March 30, 2008

cribs, copax style......

copax busted out of the hospital and we went to visit him today....

he has 3 recliners! and a huge laptop, where he can look at photos of himself, and sometimes griffin.....

some cool decorating stuff, bachelor-pad style...

healthy crap in the fridge and a gargoyle on a laptop that i wanted to steal....

and a few DVDs.......


  1. haha I love the dvd picture. someone has finally captured the whole collection

  2. oh and before anybody asks, yes I gave permission for my hospital picture to be used. You can't quite get the full 3-day nastiness effect from a cameraphone picture though

  3. Ha, I'm glad Chris is out. I hope he is doing well now. My wife and I are a bit sick still (not hospital sick though...)

    We re-arranged our room and now have an HDTV upstairs and downstairs; however, my wife won't let me duplicate our DVD collection so I don't have to run down the stairs...

  4. since I'm feeling lazy and don't feel like making my own blog post about it right now, I'm doing pretty good. Heart's back in normal rhythm, hopefully for good now *knocks on wood* Still on blood thinners for the next month and have to get periodic blood tests to see if the dosage needs adjusting (damn finicky cumidin). Goin back to work tomorrow, hopefully with a new outlook on how much I'm capable of handling as one person.
