February 14, 2008

random, because i said so!

when i was a kid, my parents never told me to do something (or not do something) because they said so. i remember friends telling me, "i can't sleep over." i'd ask, "why?" they'd reply, "i dunno, because my mom said so..." i'd become furious, demand they go ask their parents why. a few friends took that bossy advice and ended up grounded or even worse, spanked. to this day, i find myself questioning authority and getting pissed when someone tell me to do (or not do) something just because "you're not supposed to." F that noise!!!!

random facts about me: i hate wheat bread. a guy at a bus stop once asked me if i'd give him a "warm enema." i will eat week old leftovers. i throw away tupperware if it gets gross. i hate pennies. i love horror movies but am afraid of "planet of the apes" films. i was born with no hips and wore a strange brace on my legs for the first year of my life. i pack groundcat's lunch almost every day. copax calls me a slackass almost every day.

random facts about groundcat: he loves brunettes. yesterday he threw away an egg salad sandwich i made him for lunch. he appeared in a grade school news broadcast as "dan lather".

random facts about copax: he flirts with waitresses. he prefers to eat "dry" food. he doesn't like horror films. he eats salad with no dressing. he broke his ankle at band camp.

random fact about anthony cartouche: he bowls like an spastic kid on crystal meth. i only know this one fact about him.

random facts about lisa ann: she does a great impression of charlton heston from the end of "planet of the apes." she enjoys doing a dance called 'the old log roll'. she once spent a week practicing an elaborate collapse to the floor.

random facts about glittermom: she still has the leg brace i wore as a small child. she is addicted to buying purses. she once told her dog maggie that, "if i had a gun, i'd shoot you!!!!" she used to be a race car driver. she had a poster of burt reynolds eating eggs on our basement wall in the 70's.

random facts about other random friends: stacy used to correspond (via mail) with henry rollins and liked to stage dive at punk shows. my bro-in-law mike loves kate hudson's hair and sometimes watches chick flicks. whitey is terrified of harlequin clowns and stitches, and i once almost made him faint by sending him a photo of griffin's ear with 100 stiches in in. david used to correspond (via mail) with the keyboard player in prince's band (the one who dressed like a surgeon), and once thought he was dying after eating an entire bag of reese's pieces and urinating brown liquid.

in blog news: erin o'brien wrote a kick ass article for the free times, all about a wild cleveland disco back in the 70's. makes me wish i could have snuck into the place, but i would have been 6 years at the time and people might have noticed. duh. also lisa ann and glittermom have recent blog updates with photos.

side note: even as a small child, i knew enough to hate disco.

in real world news: they are discontinuing polaroid film! NO!!!!! this really breaks my heart. i love polaroids. they are fun to play around with by scratch the emulsion while they develop. i'll have to scan some of my old polaroids and put them on the blog.

happy valentine's day!!!!! happy birthday thelma ritter & big daddy v!!!! happy anniversary of the discovery of Element 103, Lawrencium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I freely admit to flirting with waitresses. It's one of those few times a woman is forced to hold a conversation with me without leaving, at least for a few seconds.

  2. plus, you're basically paying them to be nice to you, not unlike a hooker.

  3. not that waitresses are like hookers! more like you're a john!!!!

  4. Yep, so I can just ignore the fact that they're being nice to me in the hopes of getting a better tip and pretend that they actually like me

  5. That's why you should just say to hell with the whole charade and get lunch at the strip club. If someone is going to pretend to be nice to me while serving my food just to get a bigger tip, they might as well be naked...and upside-down hanging from a brass pole.


  6. you've got a very good point, mojito.

  7. i will never tip a blonde striper with a egg salad sandwich. ever.

  8. yes, but if a brunette stripper that looked like alysa milano made you an egg salad sandwich while hanging upside down on a pole, would you eat the sandwich and tip her? or would you....

    oh gosh, this is sounding worse with every word i type.

    i blame the unholy trinity of copax-mojito-groundcat. y'all are horrible influences on each other! and me!!!

  9. I have no idea what you're talking about

  10. Anonymous7:54 PM

    TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT I DO NOT LIKE CHICK FLICKS! I like romance comedies. so there ;P

  11. mike, settle down! i haven't even gotten to your wife's list of random facts. LOOK OUT!

  12. I resent that. I did not almost pass out. I almost threw up which is COMPLETELY different!!!

  13. In the name of the Copax, the Mojito, and the Unholy Groundcat. Ramen.

    /new hobby...start a religion...mu ha ha ha.
    //services will be held every Friday evening at the Executive's Den.

  14. Can I be St. copaX, the patron saint of flirting with waitresses?

  15. I'm gonna guess that mojito is a Fark fan

    /i could be wrong
    //he may just like slashies

  16. Fark is like a second job for me.

    /not really
    //yes really
    //not willing to spend 5 bucks a month for Total Fark, though.

  17. I like it. St. copaX has a nice ring to it. And we can follow along the teachings of Uncle Tankresa about how he cares for the afflicted and downtrodden by confiscating their MadDog 20/20.

    Now, if I can only get my wife to call me "Your Eminence", we're all set!

  18. I'm a fark lurker, I read all the comments and the articles

    /ok, not all the articles
    //ok, I don't read all the coments
    //fine! I'm just there for the funny headlines and the mugshots of the teachers who keep making out with students!

  19. I lurk too, but don't comment. I've had an account for 6 years and I think I've commented on this blog more in the last 6 months than I ever have on Fark.

    I'm there for all the Riding Mower DUI stories.

  20. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Correction, I was penpals with Prince and the Revolution's drummer, Bobby Z, not Dr. Fink! Geez.
