February 18, 2008

more random facts, randomly speaking....

random jennette fact: she was in junior high and got backstage to meet metallica! i think it was her awesome perm that got her backstage!

random glittergirl fact: i had this disease in college. gross!

random sds fact: she came down with this illness at the same time. (we were roomates in the dorms and quite the pair!)

random glittergirl fact: i like to eat sanded bunny rabbits. i bite their heads off first. sometimes they scream....



    Save the bunnies!!! Your murderer!!!!

  2. Please ask Jennette if when you hug Kirk Hammett his armpits are all sweaty.

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    LOL!!! that perm really is something isn't it?!? i say that knowing the straight, thin charlton girl hair it's actually kind of impressive.

    and stacy, i don't remember any sweaty pits. yuck!!

  4. I assume that having a perm in your armpits would wick away all the man moisture.

  5. sds- are you saying j-nets big mall perm soaked up his armpit sweat???

    i am LMAO and repulsed all at once!

    good work!

  6. Oh, no.

    I meant that Kirk Hammett probably perms his armpit hair for maximum fluff.

    Leave it to you to go in a different and someo\how more disturbing direction....
