February 20, 2008

more random crap and random pics

random jennette fact for today: she has a "troll thumb".

2nd random jennette fact for today: she really does look like the kid in the "halloween" remake!

random me fact: i like to eat tuna occasionally, but do not like how stinky it is. it goes back to my junior high art teacher who ate tuna every damn day for lunch, washed it down with a cup of coffee, and, well, she stunk a little. anyhooo.......i ordered a tuna wrap from the fancy-pants joint that makes the soup i used to like (but have come to dislike.) well, like RRAAIIIN on your wedding day, i took a bite (and it tasted great!) but it leaked all over my pants! my pants smell like tuna fish!!!!!!!! ugh.

ok, i'm gonna upload some cool photos to my photo album right now!


  1. r u sure it is the tuna that is causing the smell.

    that was bad...i had a bad day and i am sharing the love.

  2. yes, come here to hsare the love and make comments like that!

    seriously, tuna pants....UGH!


  3. that does suck!

    thank you for the clothes ...i am only giving away one thing!
