February 11, 2008

the grilled chickenator

well, i've been waiting for the calls and offers to start flooding in, and today it happened. i was offered my first endorsement deal!

i picked my car up from the dealer (had to take it in to have the ipod kit installed.) i was starving and it was a long drive home. so i reluctantly went through the wendy's drive-thru. i saw something called "the baconator" advertised.

a peak into the mind of glittergirl at the drive-thru: oh god, that baconator can't be good!!!! no, no, no, get something healthy.... but bacon is yummy! no, you've been talking about trying to eat better, now man up and get a stinkin' chicken sandwich, grilled and no mayo!!! f*ck it all!!!! ok, fine!!!!"

i pull around to collect my healthy, sad sandwich and the girl looks at me and yells, "hey! you're the girl from tv! i saw the ads! you had stomach surgery! wow....... how'd ya get to be on the news? is that monica robins as cool as she seems???"

i stammer and stutter...... "um, yeah....monica was really fun to meet, down to earth and all. but are ya sure it was me you saw? i mean, i got a haircut and all!" (i know, i don't make any sense.) she tells me she watched the story because a friend had the surgery and had "an awful time of it", and that "she'd remember my face anywhere."

"oh yeah, you've got a face anyone would remember! you better get used to this! good thing you came here to wendy's, since it's waaay better here!!!!"

i scowl & giggle and ask her to please, when she tells her friends about this, to tell them that i ordered the damned grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo!!!!

History of Wendy's Slogans:
* 1970 - Present: Quality Is Our Recipe
* 1978: Juicy hamburgers and lots of napkins
* 1979: " Hot-N-Juicy
* 1980: Wendy's Has the Taste
* 1981: Ain't No Reason to Go Anyplace Else
* 1982: You're Wendy's Kind of People
* 1983: Parts is parts
* 1984: Where's the beef?
* 1986: Choose Fresh, choose Wendy's
* 1987: Give a little nibble
* Circa 1990: The best burgers and a whole lot more
* 1997 - Present: Eat great, even late
* 2002: It's hamburger bliss.
* 2004: It's better here
* 2004: Always Great, Even Late.
* 2005 - 2007: Do what tastes right. (primary slogan)
* 2005 - Present: It takes flair to be square.
* 2007: That's right.
* 2007: Uh Huh.
* 2007: Hot Juicy Burgers
* 2008: It's waaaay better than fast food. It's Wendy's.


  1. correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought your story started off with the fact that you "have to watch everything you eat"....yeah, no pressure there! can't wait for the followup. pictures of you in a hat, trenchcoat and glasses, scarfing down a baconator in the parking lot of a wendy's ;-)

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Great picture!! Your hair looks good, you haven't photo-shopped it to sh*t, and you aren't wincing in anyway. Very snazzy!!

  3. uc freak- wow, i cannot believe you've given me a compliment.

    but somehow it makes me feel dirty....like i should go photoshop the pic, give myself a lazy eye or mustache....

    just so you know, when i snapped this pic, my nails looked horrible!

    copax- yes, i am going to go from monica robins to carl monday. i keep imagining him in his trenchcoat, filming me eating cheesy tots on the drive in!

    fyi- i have not had cheesy tots in ages. i might be breaking the addiction!

  4. Actually, the girl at the Wendy's drive thru WAS Carl Monday. In disguise.

    /he's that good.

  5. wow, he had me fooled into thinking he was a heavy-set girl in her mid-20's with too much purple eye makeup on!

    it's ok, his next assignment is to investigate the state of my sea-monkeys over at the old job!

  6. SIX SLICES OF BACON????? and yah, what about those sea monkeys? Do we have to send in the humane society for a spot raid?

  7. That's one damn fine haircut ya got! (something about your blog just gets me to swearing, damn it!)

  8. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Remember Brandon at the Rasputina concert and he said something like "Damn, you've got the face of a moon-pie. I would kill for your face!"

  9. brandon said, "you've got a beautiful face, like a moonpie or a weird chinese drawing. i would kill for a face like yours." then i put my fist in his mouth and you video taped it.

    typical night for me... LOL!

    blueyonder- yes, i encourgage all swearing!!!!

