February 7, 2008

the calls and letters are pouring in!

yes, my 15 minutes of fame is finally here. i'm getting calls & emails from folks who've seen the commerical. apparently it's running on channel 3, and the reporter was on the morning news to promote the story as well.

the fact that while i was sleeping, a reporter was on the news talking about me is.....beyond surreal.

here's a few funny comments from friends:

"OMG! I was lying in bed last night watching Law & Order and that INSANE commercial for your story came on. Jennifer, I almost fell out of bed. They use that picture of you looking like Larry Flint and add those special effects, like some sort of half-tone filter, then they have real dramatic violins screeching and they keep showing that picture of you standing in that red dress with arms down to your sides like Carrie at the prom!!!!! Wow. Nice work!"

"My friend from work e-mailed me last night to say he saw the commercial. I just pray that you don't have a bad reaction to all the fame and publicity. Just tell Dan if anything "bad" ever happens, just call Mary Kate Olsen, she'll know what to do!"

(that made me laugh so hard at my desk that i might have snorted.)

my mom is concerned that people could find where i live and possibly burn a cross (or a cheeseburger) on my lawn.

my old boss said, "you should be honored. i'm going to skip my nightly dose of 'scrubs' just to laugh at you!"

and why didn't dan tell me my sweater was all bunched up in back while i was making that dumb salad???
anyways, it helps for me to be able to laugh about it all. so keep those horrible, inappropriate comments coming in!!!


  1. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I'm so glad I'm off work tomorrow so I can stay up until after my bedtime to watch your new TV show!!!

  2. dammit, I don't watch channel 3 enough. I've missed all the build-up with your commercials and such. I really hope they somehow left some audio in of you talking and cleo farting in the background

  3. has there been any announcement yet of a dvd release? or a special director's cut edition? with outtakes and commentary? If so, can I come in and do commentary? If so, can I read from random encyclopedia entries throughout the whole commentary recording? If so, why?

  4. i believe a criterion collection DVD will be released in the spring, widescreen, of course.

    we're getting a special effects team to digitally add back in any dogs farts removed for tv.

  5. I certainly hope it's in 1080p in the original aspect ratio
