January 4, 2008

a quick and rambling overview of the last few days

(my actual dental mold, with busted front tooth)

it’s still hard being “the new kid” in school, but also a nice break from the super high stress at the last job. i’ve only been here a few days and no one expects me to be responsible for anything! i am just playing around with the software, trying to get a feel for things.

i have not bought fast food or lunch out so far. 3 whole days! a record for me. i waited until the 2nd day at work to unpack all my weird crap. the new boss seemed especially disturbed by the pink feather pen with glittery pink easter chick on top.

the commute is way better then driving downtown. it takes me 20-30 minutes now. it would take 45 minutes to get downtown on a good day. and every morning i’ve driven in with the most beautiful sunrises, all pink and glowing orange. it’s a good sign!

something odd is going on and i am sleeping. i mean, sleeping like a normal person! i go to bed and actually fall asleep within 20 minutes. i sleep through the night, maybe waking up once to let the dogs out. and i wake up rested. what in the hell is going on??? i have never slept well and have battled insomnia since i was a kid. i have been off ambien for almost a year. i only take herbal sleep remedies like melatonin or valerian root. i have cut back on caffeine during the day and drinking way less beer in the evenings. maybe it’s all working, and maybe i am “relaxed” since starting the new job. who knows....

i und a cool article on ways to stay calm and stop anxiety attacks, read it here. please ignore that is comes from the oprah website.

in blog news, copax is blogging daily! anthony cartouche recommends a crazy movie that i am really curious to see. read about it
here. no one else is blogging much, so i may just revamp the peeps & homies list to only those who have blogged in the last month. we shall see...

when i get home i'll add a couple of new photos from work, so you can see where i'm spending time avoiding actual work these days.

also, i really want to see the new p.t. anderson film, "there will be blood", but it's not playing in cleveland still. what the frick-frack??? he's one of my favoriter directors and has cleveland ties, so how could this movie not play here? ridiculous!
man, this is a boring post. i need to find some good pics and call it a day.


  1. rambling..yes. quick...wait, what?

  2. I mentioned to Uncle Tank that you had started a new job, and he asked me if you had "scoped the stash" yet. To which, in my infinite wisdom, I replied, "What do you mean?" "Did she find the office supply stash yet?!", he exclaimed. "The first thing you have to do at a new job is to scope out the stash. See where it's located. See who's "guarding it" But you gotta be careful. When I was working down at the Woolworth's, I had pegged Betty Smirn as the "guard" of the new vests, since mine had been gettin a tad ripe, if ya smell what I'm steppin in.." At this point, I did notice Uncle Tank had the aroma of fried elephant ears and wet dog on him. I resisted the temptation to ask him if it was anything close to the way his woolworth vest used to smell. And when I say "the temptation to ask him if it was anything close to the way his woolworth vest used to smell" I mean "the temptation to throw up in my mouth a little". "Anyways," Uncle Tank continued as I gagged,"I wined and dined Betty for a good 6 weeks trying to get an "in" to the new vests. Turns out, she had a real gas problem and would stand there since it was away from her register and nobody would realize she was the one crop-dustin' the store!"

  3. Anonymous9:53 PM

    OMG... Why does that photo-reflection of you look like me?! I thought that was a photo of me!! Yuck!! I'm glad your new job is working out for you. It's all a good sign and a much needed break from being on the verge of a nervous breakdown at all times. I'm glad you're sleeping normal!
