January 20, 2008

more scans......

grandma with the town drunk! (see story below...) i think he had a crush on her and her sisters made her take this photo with him. it always made me giggle as a child...

mom and her mom....

mom and her dad (another favorite photo of mine)

mom in the snow, look at the expression! it's the same look i get when i tell her i'm going to start eating healthy and working out! LOL!!!

my grandpap's side of the family, the zlates.

my grandpap had a reputation for being silly in photos....

more grandpap silliness (this time with beer involved!) he he he...

another photo that i loved as a kid. this one is so etheral and natural...... i think it's my grandma's sister marge on the left.

i don't know who these gals are, but i love the photo....

glittermom and her first boyfriend???

ok, enough scanner fun for today. it's been a nice diversion from worrying about the tv crew coming to our home tomorrow. no point in worrying, so i am going to watch tv and chill. tomorrow will be an all new day to start freaking out like a ninja!


  1. I love these kind of pictures. Recently - at my grandmothers funeral :-( I saw some pictures of her from when she was in Italy.

    She was riding a military motor cycle and smiling (some young officer must have let her ride).

    Geneology has always interested me. I think I know the least about my fathers family.

  2. thanks for commenting white-bread!

    i have loved looking at photo albums since i was a kid. these pics all come from my grandma's photo album that i pulled out every time i was over, which was all the time.

    it's been really lovely, looking at the photos and scanning them, adjusting the lighting and exposure to get a better looking pic.

    i am seeing details in these photos i never saw before. seeing them larger & on the iMac screen is amazing.

    isn't it amazing to see our grandparents so young and care free? maybe you can get a copy of that photo of your grandma on the motor cycle and scan it?


  3. My wife has a collection of scrap-books you would be amazed at. A few of them even contain pictures of me about 100 pounds lighter :-)

  4. I love these old-time pictures. Keep em coming!

  5. Yep that was my 1st boyfriend at the age of 4....Got an early start.

  6. Check out my knees!!!

  7. I never thought you and stick lady looked alike till I saw these photos, they are so cute!

    I'm pretty certain that the picnic with beer was the equivalent of MySpace for back in the day...
