December 14, 2007

wow, another amazing book given to me by groundcat! this one is addictive!!! mortified is real journals and letters written by real screwed up kids! i love reading the breakup notes outloud. actually, glittermom gets credit for this find, since she's the one who discovered two can anne's blog, thereby introducing me to mortified! mortified "love is a battlefield" comes out soon and look at that cover!

question: if one's boyfriend buys one christmas gifts, but gives them to said girlfriend prior to actual christmas, is this still considered a christmas gift? please consider this: the "gifts" were not wrapped, and in fact, were handed to said girlfriend still in the box! something to ponder.....
in other news: congratulations to selena!!! she got into a really prestigious pre-med program, and i'm so excited for her. i've known her since she was a little junior high pip-squeak, and it's been wonderful to see her "blossom". ok, that sounds kind of like from an after-school special. let me just say that the kid kicks ass!!!!

sadly, i can't find a recent pic of her, so i stole one from her myspace (above.) i tried a google search with her full name and came up with this. i have no idea why....


  1. I say not a christmas present if not wrapped and given at inapropriate times...So you are intitled to many more gifts...actually you don't deserve any but obviously you have someone hood winked...

  2. ahh...Bambi......I remember when I was a young child (yes I do remember that long ago) my mother took me to see Bambi and we both cried....

  3. The cover of Love is a Battlefield...words fail me.

    It looks like someone threw up the lace aisle from JoAnn Fabrics on this poor little far-sighted mexican pig-beast of a that a hairlip!?!

  4. mojito libre,

    that comment just took my breathe away. and when you asked me if it was "too much", i had to say, "nah, my mom has said worse on here!"

    welcome to the blog family! we're all horrible!

  5. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Thank you Pixie! Yes, I have blossomed into quite a little Biology geek. I still can't believe I'm already admitted into med school! Jenny, I'M GOING TO BE A DOCTOR! That's pretty much the coolest thing ever! I'm still so excited and suprised.

    I got into the program I've wanted to get into for a year AND I'm done with finals.... I'm not quite sure what to do with myself now. ;o)

    Oh, and for a split second I thought very, very evil things about mojito libre due to his above comment. For just a split second I thought for some reason he was implying that I had a "hairlip" and I was on the verge of sticking my mom on him....

    Thanks again Pixie!

  6. I don't think I want anyone "sticking" their moms on me. Is that some sort of euphemism now? If it is, then, man, am I old...

  7. My original comment reminds me of a joke I once heard (actually, it's one of only 3 jokes I can remember when drunk)...
    At a dance, there is a very timid/self-conscious man with a fake, wooden eye. He notices a woman across the room who has a very noticeable hairlip. She also happens to be very timid and self-conscious. He gets up the courage to ask her to dance and approaches her. He asks, "Would you like to dance?" She exclaims, "Would I!?! Would I!?!"

    So he exclaims back, "HAIRLIP!! HAIRLIP!!"

  8. Anonymous5:32 PM

    It's all good!

  9. Anonymous9:30 PM

    oh mojito libre, that is one of the only jokes i remember and one of my favs as well!! i tell it often and when sober so there's no excuse for me really....

  10. Another good standby (it's short and to the point) when drunk:
    A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender says "You know, we have a drink named after you."
    The grasshopper goes, "Really?!? You have a drink named Steve??"
