December 11, 2007

i'm serious....and don't call me shirley!

(another creepy jennette pic)

i am not now, nor have i ever been a big classic rock fan. we all know how much i hate the doors. the beatles are ok, led zepplin had their moments, and groundcat has taught me to appreciate AC/DC (bon scott era for me.) so imagine my shock at driving in to work this morning and hearing a clip from the recent led zepplin concert. holy crap, they sound as good or better then they did 30 years ago! read about it here. it has to be the best reunion concert in the history or rock music. well, at least until the smiths get back together!
over the weekend, we caught "airplane! " on cable. i remember seeing this in a movie theater when it came out (1980, i was 10.) i remember being blown away by the movie and getting maybe 70% of the jokes. i loved "johnny" best of all. and watching this movie at age 37, it held up! i was shocked to find i remembered the dialog for most of the film, and still found myself cracking up. good stuff!
what movies do y'all remember seeing as kids that stuck with you? besides "airplane!", i loved "young frankenstein" (saw that when i was around 7.) and of course i loved "xanadu", although that one is embarassing.

also, i now have 2 pregnant sea-monkeys.

and now, for some weird and random pics from my work computer....


  1. Jennette is very photogenic....

  2. Anonymous1:21 PM

    i was about to say that picture of me is the creepiest thing ever...then i saw that picture of you and realize i was wrong.

  3. Anonymous1:21 PM

    i was about to say that picture of me is the creepiest thing ever...then i saw that picture of you and realize i was wrong.

  4. poor mom....she's got nothing but creepy looking kids!!!!
