December 9, 2007

another new waste of bandwidth!

ok, i have 2 public blogs, a couple private ones, i am on myspace, multiply, livejournal, griffin has a dogster page, i use AIM, MSN, trillian, i have 2 photobucket accounts, an amazon wish list, 4 email addresses, and a youtube account. i just joined that "forbidden photography" website, and i am sure i am missing a ton of other things. but i am fascinated about how much crap i have online, none of which i pay for.

now i've been bossed by an old friend to join facebook. and already, i'm addicted. it's like a better version of myspace, a way to do social networking in a more user friendly way. click here to check it out.

it's worth checking out if only to see the special photo album i created just for all the insane photobooth pics we take! click here to see it!

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