November 16, 2007

the long and winding blog.....

how many cheesy titles can i come up with? i think i'm on a roll!!! let's have some chatty and random blogging now!

so, i took the myers-briggs test at work, and got a very different result. i took the test from this link and my results were the same as i remember them from 3 years ago, INFJ. INFJ is "the counselor", and sounds more like me then "the field marshall". it's also closer to what eva thought my results would be, which is interesting. the test provided by work is a more straight forward version, not like the one i took 1 few days back, that included info on your type, the type you wish to be, and the type you are attracted to. also, stacy can rest easy knowing that i am no longer attractive to her. hahahahaha! i would definitely recommend the link above, and am curious if anyone else gets a different result. on wikipedia they break down the 16 types by US population, and INFJ is the smallest percent of the population, another sure sign this one is more appropriate for me.

click here to see a hilarious blog copax found with awesome 1970's catalog pics!

i still hate turtlenecks. i hate wearing them and hate seeing them worn by others. my only exception to the rule is my friend T. (that girl can rock a turtleneck like nobody's business!)

a recent observation at work: this place is lousy with male sort of "sports and war" metaphors! the room i sit in and share with 10 others is called "the pit". down the hall there is "the vault" where programmers sit. on another floor there is "the war room" where the developers have a daily "scrum meeting". (i had to look that one up! scrum is a rugby term.) yesterday the conference room next to "the pit" was booked for a "delegate bootcamp". (i bet it's ladies in smart pants suits made of camouflage!) i got an IM yesterday to come to "the touchdown center" on the 13th floor. no room number, just "the touchdown center". i finally had it and asked the guy if we could, "cut the sports metaphors!!!" when i got there i found out why they'd given the room that name. there is bright green carpet that looks just like astroturf! but still.... couldn't they call it "the springtime meadow room"?

lunch problems: i've talked about the weird little diner downstairs before. i go on fridays for the lovely pirogis. today i also got a grilled cheese and found myself asking, "could you add tomato? and, could you find a tomato slice that's actually red???" they were a pale orangish-green, yuk! that and the chick peas floating around in the chicken soup are a bad sign. when it says "chicken soup with vegtables", i think they are dumping the previous days salad bar remains into the soup. maybe i need to start packing my lunch....

click here to check out a highly recommended meat substitute. i wonder if i can find this stuff in cleveland?

here's a random conversation with my mom that made me laugh all afternoon and proves she's koo-koo nutty.

glittermom: Did you steal my white comb?
glittergirl: yeah
glittergirl: i totally stole it
glittergirl: that white comb is bad ass!
glittermom: I can't find it so I am questioning everyone
glittergirl: i took it
glittergirl: i comb my thin little hairs with it every night
glittergirl: and the dogs like it too
glittermom: I love that comb
glittergirl: well, it's mine now
glittergirl: get over it
glittergirl: they don't make white combs like that anymore
glittergirl: i could sell it on ebay for a lot of money
glittermom: I bet one of those bitches from Curves stole it!
glittergirl: is it one of those combs you stick in your back pocket?
glittergirl: when you take the time machine back to 1979?

i have spent the entire 1/2 hour of my lunch break looking for a photo of a comb in a back jeans pocket and can't find anything! i told jennette and she said, "i remember i got in trouble in kindergarten for having that comb in my back pocket and using it to feather my hair during the pledge of allegiance! LMAO!!!!" ha ha ha!!!!!!


  1. Being a field marshall I don't see why you can't come up with girly names for all these work related meetings,etc...Also you need a neck to wear a turtle neck, hence your hatred of turtle necks...Also I believe I need to sign a release form before any conversations are posted to the awaiting public...You will shortly be contacted by my attorney...

  2. Anonymous9:57 PM

    INFJ does sound like a better fit. Does that mean I'm not your dream date anymore?
    I suppose you mentioned my name with the belief that it will somehow excite some universal spark in me, to lure me into becoming a blogger.
    You black widow. Just might work. And i'll get eaten alive!
    Except as an INFP, I'm in constant turmoil: on the one hand I feel the need to be genuine in all things and to use my time to the greatest good; on the other hand, I'm endlessly intrigued by introspection and the quest to write accurately and sensitively. It would be an interesting challenge to attempt all that with a worldwide audience.
    Think my kids will mind eating hotdogs for a month while I figure it all out? [gagging smilie here]

  3. ah yes, once again i am the bad influence!


  4. Man, I love me some turtle necks!
