November 9, 2007

amazon list obsession

i added a "widget" to my blog with my amazon wish list. with the holidays fast approaching, i want people to be able to buy me lots of gifts. if you have an amazon wish list, invite me as a friend and i'll add you. presents for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there's my semi-normal "christmas wish list 2007" for the gift exhange with groundcat's family or co-workers. stuff i would be ok with someone's grandma seeing. it's still my usual freak stuff, just a little watered down and under $50 for each items. the "weird or expensive wish list" is where i put the $800 pink espresso coffee maker, all hunter s. thompson books, and anything too naughty. i am OCD and list making is my favorite thing, even better then sorting my salad.

speaking of xmas, i say we go back to celebrating saturnalia!

"In Roman times, the best-known winter festival was Saturnalia, which was popular throughout Italy. Saturnalia was a time of general relaxation, feasting, merry-making, and a cessation of formal rules. It included the making and giving of small presents (Saturnalia et Sigillaricia), including small dolls for children and candles for adults.[8] During Saturnalia, business was postponed and even slaves feasted. There was drinking, gambling, and singing, and even public nudity. It was the "best of days," according to the poet Catullus.[9] Saturnalia honored the god Saturn and began on December 17."

(insert charming photo of me here)

everyone has been pointing out how "popular" i am today. how i have way too many friends, too hard to keep track of them all, and everyone is a big fan of my work. ok, i made some of that up. but jennette got a call at work and ended up talking to the husband of a really sweet lady i worked with as my recruiter when i started at E&Y 2 years ago.
per jennette, "we started talking about work and he mentioned his wife worked out by us and is a recruiter. he mentioned the company, and i said 'oh, i think my sis works with them!' so he text messaged her to ask if she knew you. she was writing back saying 'oh yeah, i love her. she lives in mentor in a big house w/a barn and they love dogs. oh it's her sister. i think she married her black boyfriend about 2 years ago in vegas'" jennette and i have been laughing our asses off about this all afternoon!

and finally, honey crisp apples are so good! best apple i have ever eaten in my life, including the apple i ate in an orchard in kentucky in 1976 on a hayride.


  1. I say we skip xmas and just have a festivas and air all our grivances...I'll supply the alum. pole...

  2. Whats up with your new list of peeps and homies?? I want to be bumped up or take me off your list! What kind of order is this???

  3. dear glittermom,

    thanks for voicing your concerns over the "peeps and homies" list. we've listen to your complaint and made some changes.

    glitter managment

  4. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I say we definately celebrate Saturnalia!! Now that I have my laptop, I'm cruisin around on your peeps and homies links. Is it true that Copax hasn't blogged since early Oct? Very disappointing!

  5. copax has blogged on my blog more then his own! we are blog collaborators, or "blogaborators".

  6. Just wear I wanted to be on the bottom of your list...Now I know where to put you on my christmas list..Thanks again hon....

  7. a comment on your honey crisp apples...they are good, a crisp texture but taste like any other apple...and for $1 more a LB. not worth it...$2.49 a LB...thats a bit much for about 2 apples..

  8. For some reason, I can never come up with anything to blog about on my own blog, so I just contribute to glittergirl's for now.

  9. Yes Chris is quite witty on Glittergirls blog..
