October 27, 2007

stuff, recommendations, bossing......

y'all know i am not much for sports, but seeing the indians do so well this season, and then not so well, was a wild ride. craptastic stacy wrote a lovely blog post about it all and i highly recommend you go read it here.

we've got some lazy bloggers on the "peeps & homies" roster, so let me boss folks to get to blogging!!!! don't make me get up off this couch and beat you with a wooden spoon! (i think that's a glittermom quote from about 1978.)

and finally, copax wins the award for being the funniest bastard on the planet yesterday. he had me laughing so hard at work, watching some insane videos he made (see below.) and he did a hilarious stream of conscious bit where he invented "uncle tank". i saved the conversation and will post that later. for now, enjoy a peek into the madness that is copax:

1 comment:

  1. some of those actors looked vaguely familar...Naw couldn't be...
