October 31, 2007

secret work friend, fall is here, and seinfeld...

joining the ranks of "uc freak", we now have secret work friend. the coworker who reads my blog and prompted me to add a "blog disclosure".

unlike uc freak (name withheld by request) or the plain clothed freaks (like rachel and copax), secret work friend is just a freak. he's the male version of me, and i felt horrible to break that news to him. it's the only reason i broke my rule of keeping work folks out of the blog, pure pity. i wouldn't wish the "male version of me" on anyone!

he'd like to join the fun but remain anonymous. he has until friday to provide some photo of his choosing, or else i take him public! he's finding out the fun (and the emotional blackmail involved in blogging.)

all i will say is that he's a he. he's the one who hipped me to sock monkey bed sheets, and has an array of his own embarrassing stories, like today; explaining how he "accidentally" shaved his head, or how he almost stabbed himself in the neck with a garden weasel.

he is not allowed near the sea monkeys after telling me about his brother eating a pack of sea monkeys eggs as a child. when i said i was going to put up invisible fence to keep him away, he said, "oh god, those collars are really painful!!!"

"um....secret work friend, how would you know?" his reply, "lost a bet..."

in other news:

jerry seinfeld is cute again! maybe i am used to seeing him in reruns with the slight mullet and mock turtlenecks. he's aged well and is my new pretend celebrity boyfriend. and look at these jeans i found online. GROSS!

fall is here and i love it. here are some pics from our place and the giant deer i stalked after work yesterday. enjoy!


  1. welcome to the chaos, secret work friend. It's kinda like a medical procedure, it's best when you relax and just let it happen. Wait, that sounds bad. ahh whatever, it's only glittergirl's blog.

  2. Yah you can say what you want..No one cares and if they do, oh well, too bad , your sad...and Glittergirl you cannot have J.Seinfeld for your celebrity boyfriend...He's mine, so hands off..

  3. oooooh celebrity boyfriend blog fight! *gets popcorn*

  4. I believe those are bid overalls for a very short waisted person...You might be able to pull it off...

  5. oh, mispelling...I mean BIB OVERALLS

  6. only the nephew of a degenerate like uncle tank would compare my blog to an enema.

    mom, when you're trying to burn me on my blog, maybe run spell check first.


  7. Jerry Seinfeld, ech! Emesis! And you made fun of my crushes on Bryan Ferry and Chubby James Spader...

    Both of you, shame!

    I am so sick of the Bee Movie stuff already. Henry and I actually call each other "Bee Movie TV Junior" as an insult.

    I curse you.

  8. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Hey those are Leonid's favorite jins!(jeans)

  9. leonid likes the jins, gives him bubble ass....

  10. And so it is time to reveal my true identity...Secret Work Friend is really....DUN, DUN, DUN....Mojito Libre!!! I had to wait until after my match with Little Diablo before I could post a picture...

  11. Is it true what they say about the stretch pants? ees for fun?

  12. it's odd, no one at works has mentioned the stretch pants. i guess it's not a dress code violation....

  13. Sometimes a man just likes to dress in the stretchy pants.

  14. I am STILL RELEVANT, glittergirl!!!

  15. You know what they say about those tight stretchy pants on the boys..

  16. no mom, what do they say???

    also, my mom is trying to figure out who SWF is. she was asking if the photo is really him. (it is.) she asked if he has a kid, and i said, "well, he does until children's services see that photo!"


  17. Yes, that's me. And, yes, I have a kid. Little Diablo is not mine, though. He's part of a ruthless gang of Mexican wrestling midgets hell bent on the destruction of the Eucalyptus plant, for some reason.

    Lil' Mojito is still in training to avenge his father's...complete lack of shame.

  18. Wow, did Lil' Mojito have a run-in with a gang of Koala bears or something?
