October 30, 2007

i am way too excited by sea-monkeys

day one- water purified....

sadly, we read the directions and realized it was a friday, and since the directions say purify for 24 hours, we had to wait til monday

day 2- water purification now commences!
(here we can observe anthony reading the directions and then stirring in the mixture with a coffee stirrer....)

the water is purifying and monte looks on, amazed at the miracle of sea monkeys!

day 3- hatch the eggs!!!

anthony finds hatching fun, and monte looks on, baffled at the magic and mystery happening right before his eyes!

the secret sea money scientists observe their creation.....

also, i got a kick ass purse/tote/ bag at target, big enough to fit a laptop, books, or a small child! (i went to the fancy bathroom for the purse photo shoot.)

per the directions that came with the sea monkeys, we should start seeing some stuff happen in the next 2-4 days. monday we feed them for the first time!!!!


  1. I see this ending very badly...with a lot of sadness....

  2. How many of those pocketbooks do you have? FOUR??

  3. there is a 2 year guarantee on these sea monkeys! they will be just fine. we've got a few little buggers swimming around in there already!

    i have only one giant purse, but i thought the cool mirror effect would be nice. i WISH i had 4!

    today i went to a business meeting and i used that bag for my laptop, a bottle of water, a pile of paperwork, and handful of cherry laffy taffy!

  4. Is that bag water proof? I see you opening your bag at a very important meeting and laffy taffys spilling out, water logged....

  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Can you imagine if they let her keep a cat around as the project mascot?!? I could just see what would happen if we had a 4 day weekend...

    /I guess if you're going to kill something, sea monkies are the way to go.

  6. what makes you think there isn't a cat hid away somewhere? do you see traces of litter?

  7. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Actually, I think the kid she has stuffed in that ginormous purse has a kitten as a pet...so, I guess it's a pet through association.

  8. please, i could fit a pony is this bag!

  9. "Excuse me, ma'am. Your bag is making strange noises and it's leaking liquid all over the floor. Is there something that is/was alive in there? and if so, do you mind if I ask if it's all right in there?"
