October 22, 2007

back to work and random blogging....

1. i've taken some photos of my favorite salad and how i like to sort it. look forward to those pics soon!

2. last night i made the best, most awesome chicken marsala. YUM! it was my first attempt and even picky-eater groundcat liked it. it was so good, i giggled. i never giggle over my own cooking. i want to make chicken marsala every day. it's that good.

3. i've been recommending the movie "fearless" to anyone who will listen. the cool folks at pajiba (the best film and tv review website around) gave a write up to this under-appreciated gem of a film. read it here, then go rent it, dammit! just be prepared for some heavy weeping. it's a deep, sad, and lovely film. between this film and "the fisher king", i might have to admit to being a jeff bridges fan, which is just weird.

4. we watched "fargo" while on vacation. i've seen it before, and loved it. but i was struck at what a nearly perfect film it is. the performances, the story, the way it's filmed, it has to be one of the best films of my lifetime.
5. back to jeff bridges. he takes some amazing photos with a widelux camera, he was in the big lebowski, and his personal website is really cool. dammit, i really like this guy!!!
6. groundcat has a really interesting post on his recent re-obsession with geneology. he's got the i-mac buzzing with all sorts of family tree stuff and research on the property we live on and the barn. i love seeing old photos of what the place looked like back then! it's amazing to get to live in a place with so much history. plus, maybe we'll find out he's related to someone rich and famous, who will give us a trust fund to retire!
7. would jeff bridges like the barn? i wonder.......


  1. Jennifer.

    Jeff Bridges?
    Don't make me connect the dots.
    That's a scary wayback machine.

    Jeff Bridges is still on your checking account....

  2. Chicken Marsala is one of my favorites as well. I only make it about once every other month but it's still up there.

    Does ground-cat like thai? If so, we can try to have you over again. Thai is on the menu.

  3. SDS- HUSH!!!! oh my god, that made me jump out of my seat when i read it at work before i left. i also laughed so hard i snorted. nice work, jackass! ha ha ha!!!!

    whitey- do you do all the cooking at home? i can tell ya that groundcat is pretty fussy. we'll have to come out sometime soon and see if he'll give thai food a go. if not, we can pick him up some mcdonald's.

  4. Jennifer. How you put up with my mean is on par with your valiant attempts to stock the candy bowl.

    I salute you.

  5. dearest SDS-crap-tasty,
    bring on the mean!!! i LOVE it! anytime you can shock me out of my work doldrums with a disturbing reference to a fiance from over a decade ago, i say "bravo!"

    hey, wait a minute! weren't YOU the one who fixed us up??? you owe me! go find that old jeff bridges wanna be and get him to sign the form so he can be removed from my damn checking account!


  6. You've got to be kidding me. McDonalds in place of Thai!!! He can eat catfood!!!

  7. Yeah. I owe you. Let's make a deal. If I see the slacker creep,
    I'll let him know you want him to sign the paper. Dan can punch him in the nose, though.
