September 24, 2007

how bad did it suck to have to go back to work today? it sucked ass, hard.

all the weekend fun had to be forgotten so i could sit in 5 hours of meetings, listening to people debate the difference between a "theme" and a "scope" (business planning BS talk.) at one point there was an entire discussion of how to add a checklist with details on how to fill out a much larger checklist. adding a checklist to a checklist? it felt like i was in some kind of dante's inferno of business meetings. (i think it must have been the 8th circle, involving those "those guilty of deliberate, knowing evil." you have to be evil to know the difference between a "swim lane" and a "chevron", and to care about it.)

one thing to brighten up my day was seeing some pics and videos from sunday. glittermom got some great pics and copax got some really funny video (see parts 1-6, 5 is my favorite!)

i think carl monday uncovered this secret footage of the dotditwell ceremony:


  1. That carl monday is a horrible videographer. It's almost like he wasn't watching where he was pointing the camera at some points...namely all the feet

  2. maybe he has a foot fetish.

  3. I noticed a lot of feet and legs...a lot of people wished to remain anonymous..I wonder why...

  4. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Sorry I had to leave and miss all the fun, but it would not have been fun to me and my stomach issues!

  5. maybe david was the one filming this, in the bushes in a carl monday trench coat!
