August 29, 2007

where were you when the fun died??? (more of my nostalgic thoughts on hunter s. thompson...)

hunter s. thompson's widow wrote a book, read an article about it here. it almost sounds like a self-help book, teaching people what thompson taught his wife; to not be afraid, to seek the truth, and to have fun. he loved life and when the fun stopped, he got off the bus.

i remember seeing him on letterman when i was in junior high. he scared the shit out of me. he came out smoking and talking a mile a minute and seemed pissed off, but funny. i started reading his stuff by high school and in college applied to be his intern. sadly, i was not hired. of course he ended up accidentally shooting an assistant a few years later.

i liked knowing he was around, still writing articles for sports illustrated, appearing on the news for things like accidentally shooting his assistant or setting off fire extinguishers in auditoriums before paid speeches. i feel a weird sadness now that he's gone, not that i knew him.

why am i writing this? i played hooky from work today (2nd day of a horrible headache) and don't have much to say. i read the article linked above and blogged. i think i blog about him every 6 months.

now someone buy me THIS!!!


  1. Wow and free shipping!

  2. You seem to be attracted to bald crazy men...hmmmmm

  3. Anonymous1:20 PM

    they have that at the book store by our house. it's sealed and i want to buy it so bad mainly just to see what all is in it!!

  4. Its probably blank...haha...

  5. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Gee, Hunter S. Thompson looks just like David Guest in that photo...
