August 2, 2007

random stuff...........

blog news- zak's latest blog is added to the list of peeps & homies. he's worse then step-bro mike with changing his blog every other week! groundcat and renny continue to post the most upsetting and hilarious stuff on their blogs.

i have my own upsetting and funny stuff to post. i won't even try and embed the videos. i am already going to hell for thinking this stuff is funny! click at your own risk:

upsetting video link one
upsetting video link two
upsetting video link three
zevon song i love (can only find this cover version)
funny video link one
funny video link two
funny video link three



  1. did you see the poor bloke in this video?

    i was kinda speechless.

  2. Great! Next time instead of reading your blog we will just go to You Tube...that poor puppy had no legs, just feet...

  3. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Somethin' bad bad wrong with ya'll. I'm going to have Shaye St. John come to your home and teach you a glamorous lesson!

  4. That bloke looked like a David Reynolds creation....

  5. I think Gorilla Monkey Pen should come and live with me...He doesn't see much action over at your compound...It might be a nice vacation for him...

  6. also, let me say that the "retarded poetry slam" videos are not posted out of pure meanness. i think slam poetry is pretty awful to being with. also, i worked with mentally retarded folks for years and some of them were my friends. some of them i dind't like. i guess i am "snarky"! and i feel ok laughing about slam poets, retarded slam poets included.

    i also got a kick out of the folks doing poetry. i mean, i like seeing retarded people get a chance to experience life, and that includes being part of bad spoken word performances!

  7. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Ok.... I am SO confused by the first video..... So lost. I need to go watch the rest of them. Jenny, how do you find this stuff?!
