August 13, 2007

an open letter to rude people...
it only takes a few extra seconds to hold the door for someone coming in behind you, or to hold an elevator. it's not a lot of extra effort to be polite, to say please and thank you. when riding a bus or public transportation, move your large purse or briefcase to allow someone to sit if it gets crowded. if you bump into someone, say sorry. let people cut in front of you in traffic. share your cookies at lunch. give compliments.
and when someone treats you like crap, or acts like a complete asshole, keep being nice! do it out of spite. don't let the rude people you encounter make you into one of them. be kind and polite in spite of the creeps!
why am i bothering to say this? maybe i have a "case of the mondays". or maybe i work with the nastiest, crab-ass bitch on the planet and i thought i needed to remind myself of all the reasons not to end up like her.
(p.s. doesn't the cat in the image above look just like matilda??? he he he.....)


  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Amen sister! I'm going to pull a "Mizz Nowinski" now and fill up your whole comments area before anyone else gets here, because this is a big-time Reynolds' hot button issue...

    I agree on all counts! Some guy in my apartment nearly knocked me down yesterday because he just had to get into the elevator before letting me. It's the same with a damn train or anything else, it's easier for you and everyone else to just let people off first, then you can get on and it's just you, instead of first filling up the space... Oh, anyway, I think it's a combination of politeness and logic. So, in the case of coworkers or neighbors or whoever, I just have to keep being as nice as possible, or at least ignore the "problems" as much as I would like to stop and list all the rules... "Don't talk shit about people; at least pretend to be nice; don't judge; share your cookies; etc."

    P.S. I thought that was Matilda! She used to flip me off all the time from her bitchy little perch in her kitty tower. LOL

  2. There is room for me...Yes that is Matilda and no she didn't like David much because she said he had a bad face..Which you can see on my blog of sunday pictures...
    So there butterbean....

  3. This is all good advice I've just started learning at the ripe age if 37. I've always been really nice to strangers, but a few years ago I finally stopped cussing under my breath in the car and trading one ups with dumb whores at work and ex-husbands. It's been hard because as you know I have a filthy mouth and a singular cut-down talent that makes the contestants on Yo Momma look like Wilmer Valderrama's cocaine boogers.

    I have an ex friend who liked my apartment so much she decided to move next door. Acting bewildered and ignorant to her stalking is actually re-wiring my whole outlook on dealing with jerks.

    And bonus, it's causing her to become far more unglued than acknowledging her would.

  4. there's plenty of room for comments! i think the most i ever got was 20, so play nice! he he he...

    sds- oh, you do have the gift of the cut-down, and then funny and the cuss mouth. i've always enjoyed your work! but sometimes the acting "bewildered and ignorant" to someone's bad behavior is the best remedy!

    it's like a little kid who acts bad to get attention. when you start ignoring the bad stuff, they don't know what to do!

    plus, blogs are always good for bitching and moaning, complaining and talkind bad about coworkers and strangers.

    like this bi-a-tch i work with. i was lucky to avoid dealing with her for the last 2 years, but now i have a daily meeting with her, and OH MY GOSH, what a mean-ass sourpuss!!!

    maybe i'll make a mean cartoon drawing of her....that's an old lisa ann trick!

  5. Yo preach is sista!!! I would totallys hare my cookie with you.

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I'd like to use the Michael Douglas "Falling down" approach. Or maybe John Doe's (Spacey in Se7en) when it comes to dealing with rude people.

  7. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I take the Cahterine "Lauren" Tate approach... Just get a dead look on my face and keep cutting them off at every pass by saying, "But I'm not bothered... You're not bothering me... Do I look bothered? Is my face bothered? I AM NOT BOTHERED!" It eventually wears them down.

  8. The ONLY thing I will hate about going back to work in the 'skirts is the long commute and drivers who must pass you angrily because you do not also have a brand new car! I mean, they actually give you the look,like,"Isn't that paid-for? You should be in debt again already so I don't have to look at a six-year old car!" Maybe they're just in a hurry.

    I don't know. All I know is I don't like it.
