August 10, 2007

my darling blog readers....
i just wanted to ask, have you ever seen anything like this? i mean, what kind of lunatic would want a soap dish full of slimy bright yellow soap? and if you look closely, you'll notice how it's leaked onto the nice clean counter top. this is the kind of thing you read about, but never think you'll live to see!!!!

now, i hope and pray my lovely blog patrons never see such a thing in person, or god forbid in your own households. i know if i saw something like in my house, well....i don't know what i'd do!


  1. dee-scuss-ting!!

    How would anyone live in such filth?!

    someone should start a fund.

  2. When I first saw it I thought it was a pound cake...I got real excited...thought it was sunday dessert...
