August 24, 2007

for renny.....

remember we saw this on the news about 5 years ago???? i looked for the story on snopes by searching for dog & monkey, but no luck.

i did find this story, which is so terrible i can't finish reading it, but i'm gonna post it!


  1. Dear Friends,
    A group of researchers at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, are investigating effects of Weblogs on “Social Capital”. Therefore, they have designed an online survey. By participating in this survey you will help researches in “Management Information Systems” and “Sociology”. You must be at least 18 years old to participate in this survey. It will take 5 to 12 minutes of your time.
    Your participation is greatly appreciated. You will find the survey at the following link.
    This group has already done another study on Weblogs effects on “Social Interactions” and “Trust”. To obtain a copy of the previous study brief report of findings you can email Reza Vaezi at

  2. ok, i just read the whole story, and it's horrible!!!

  3. I am sorry. I don't consider it as spam otherwise I wouldn't put it on your comments. Thank you for you time pal.

  4. reza, you're real? weird, sorry for calling you spam.

    welcome to the blog!

  5. reza, are you aure you're not spam? maybe you're in denial. i'm just saying.......

  6. How did this Reza infiltrate our blog site...Maybe hes with the Indecency Squad....That last post was pretty bad...
