August 10, 2007

balls to wall blogging!!!!

yes, this is Xtreme blogging!!! not really, just trying to be melodramtic, and i've been wanting to use this album cover image for a long time. and in keeping with that theme, today's blog is a mish-mash of stuff i've been wanting to blog about for ages. i am taking 10 minutes of my work day to slap this together, so fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride.............

my first topic is another stolen from pajiba. they asked everyone to name their top 5 same sex crushes. (if you're gay you have to name the 5 opposite sex crushes you secretly harbor. if you're i don't know what to tell ya! LOL!) anyways, here's mine:

these are 2 crushes on specific movie characters, so not sure if they count........

wait a minute, that's 6! does that make me gay? really, if i look at the women on my list, it's all more so women (or film characters) i want to be more like, or look like. interesting... i'd like to boss all other bloggers and commenters to give us their list!

reality tv show i hate extra special bad:

katie and peter. it's bad news. and i'm all for a nice pink gown and tiara, but she just ruins it! and the album cover is so airbrushed, they look like manequins!

master cleanse. it makes no sense, but i want to try it. robin quivers and david blaine do it and so does my hairdresser. david blaine made me cry, and my hairdresser is also a bee keeper, so maybe these aren't good examples....

angry smokers and the good old days......

watching the changelingn recently, i was struck by george c. scott's performance, especially his angry smoking method. i bought some candy cigarettes to try it out for myself. with recent work stress, i thought this might help on the job.

remember all those 1970's movies, usually set in newsrooms, where everybody smoked? i am trying this out at work. i got the gum cigarettes, in the paper wrapper with powder, so you can blow through it and make pretend smoke! i busted one out at work the other day and one lady thought it was real! i did my "george c. scott angry smoker" routine for everyone in the office and they seemed to enjoy it. the best part is when you angrily snuff out the cig at the end. even better, toss it (angrily, of course) on the ground. brilliant!
and finally....

does anyone know about jack chick and his comics (otherwise known as "tracts")? we used to find them hidden all over at the homeless shelter i worked at. church volunteers who brought food would leave them for the guys. they always scared the crap out of me, because pretty everyone goes to hell in them. go check out the official website and be prepared to be horrified.

wow, i guess that's it. and i just wasted 20 minutes of work time, yeah!!!!!!


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I used to find Jack Chick tracts on the toilet in grade school! No kidding. You will get a kick out of this: has 9 short films based on actual Chick Tracts! You will dig it!

  2. My head hurts from all this blogging...Please settle down, one blog at a time...I can't even comment..I'm at a lose for words..

  3. I too love sarah silverman. I would have to think about the rest.

    You should poll for the Top Five Far Too Young For You Borderline Creepy Crushes. Sadly I could name at least three.

  4. Anonymous9:56 AM

    David Blaine made you cry? was this during a bender? Were you dreaming? I don't remember this...please explain.
