July 13, 2007

a recent bloggish conversation............

copax: fyi
copax: your blog is out of control
glittergirl: yeah?
glittergirl: i did that blogging all on my own time (lunch break, or home) and i worked almost 10 hours yesterday!
glittergirl: are you saying it's out of control because i blogged 3 times?
copax: it's just out of control
copax: period
glittergirl: LOL
copax: that's all right, I'm out of control with my commenting
glittergirl: i love it!
glittergirl: did you see that thing on dan's blog?
glittergirl: my god......
copax: yes, you sick people and your sick creatures and creepy dolls and shit

glittergirl: LMAO
Copax: and why am I almost near the bottom of the list of your peeps and homies?
glittergirl: it's not in an order. but feel free to comment and bitch about it!! that would be funny, you would start a whole new controversy
Copax: yeah, ahuh, not in an order
glittergirl: i have too many peeps and homies!
glittergirl: i have to keep “name removed” on
Copax: why?
glittergirl: my friend loves that blog
glittergirl: they’re fascinated at how utterly “insult removed” it is
glittergirl: hehehehe
Copax: well, then they can use this little tip I learned from a wise Chinese man who lived on a mountain in Tibet....the ancient translation of the name of the trick is...BOOKMARK IT!!
glittergirl: LMAO
glittergirl: (now who's bossy?)
glittergirl: besides, my mom gets pissed if i take off any link

Copax: wow...and here I thought you were this independent person
glittergirl: she called me up when i took off postsecret and bitched me out
glittergirl: well, i made her put it on her own damn blog as a link
Copax: now you're all worried about what your mom thinks, and trying to make sure your friend can get to “name removed”'s blog from yours
Copax: yeah...you're all talk, sister
glittergirl: HAHAHAHAHA!
glittergirl: and you're all bitter, brother!
Copax: Perhaps I am. Perhaps I've had enough of the fallacy that is believing in something in this world full of cardboard cutouts and empty promises
glittergirl: (snicker....)
glittergirl: hey, can you cut and paste this conversation and email it to me?
glittergirl: i need to blog about it
glittergirl: see, i'm using you for my blog entertainment
copax: Yeah, what, it's been like 8 hours since you last blogged about something...got the DT's huh?

later that day............

glittermom: I got a comment from Rachel and Chris on my man baby doll blog...wow..your bossing works

(***some names and insults removed to protect the innocent.)


  1. Your bossing had no effect on me, it was merely coincidence that I decided to comment on others blogs at the same time you yelled at all of your friends to do the same.

  2. Isn't what your doing illegal...have these people been informed that they are being recorded for your profit? I need to contact that dog lady that was going to sue you for posting her pictures on your blog..

  3. chris- a bossy, bloggy, coincidence?

    mom- i did ask chris to sign a waiver, then i realized i didn't care. go ahead and sue!!!

  4. I freely admit that this conversation may cast me in a bitter light, and I'm ok with that. I can't control what people think of me just from a small snippet of text from me on a crazy woman's blog. If they want to confirm whether I'm truly this bitter, or if it was merely because I was having an argument with bossy mcbosstastic over there, they can contact me and they can get to know me better.

  5. i now want to be referred to as "bossy mcbosstastic".

  6. well, bossy mcbosstastic, I approve of the redefined list of peeps and homies. it's fair to all involved. except those with letters towards the end of the alphabet, but that's not my problem

  7. I'm against it...as a senior citizen I believe I should be higher up

  8. Is this listing by persons name or blog name? I am changing my blog name to Abba

  9. oh yeah? Well if you change to Abba, then I'm gonna change to AAA Copax Blog!

  10. Good, I will be AA moms blog

  11. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Damnit. Sell your soul! Come join me on LJ! If you had LJ you could see all the deep, dark and scary stuff that is locked. Locked, I tell ya! I don't only post der memes!

    And why am I not a Linked Peep, hmm?

    HI Jen-T-Chuck!

  12. t-bone, i do not understand LJ. besides, i have 4 blogs and a myspace account, do i need a live journal now too?????

    i was going to ask if you wanted to be included in the (alphabetically ordered) peeps & homies.

  13. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Of course I shall link thee! And you may link me, as well. Call me whatever you wish.

    But to get to any "real" content on mine you must to have an lj and be "friended." Meh.

  14. I guess T bone will remain a mystery to us...It won't open up from your peeps and homie list...I suggest you fix it...

  15. Alphabetical rocks!!

    WE'RE #2! WE'RE #2! WE'RE #2! WE'RE #2!

    Of course I obsessively monitor my blog traffic, and I have gotten 38 clicks from your blog!! Love ya!
