July 27, 2007

random pics of the place we stayed....

the entrance

my feet in the spa/ jacuzzi room, very cool view of the woods

the honeycomb building, where we didn't stay. it's built right into the hill!

my pretty plate of breakfast

we had to get in our computer/ technology fix

the deck (we watched a movie out on the deck the night before)

our cabin (with a garage!)

i might have lost a game of checkers......

amazing view from the main room

fireplace we didn't use. (we were both getting over nasty sinus infections and thought the smoke might not be good.) but it was pretty to look at!

cool sky light over the fireplace

some kind of weird nest in the garage. not a bee's nest, i checked!

this was in my medicine cabinet....blech!

no moleste!!!!!


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I want to live in that house....it was probably a barn swallow next...

  2. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Was the place you stayed really called Honey Run?
    That's dirty!!!!!! LOL

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    i stayes there about 8 years ago when i was on a medical leave from school. it was one of the most relaxing vacations ever....i would go back in a heart beat!
