July 20, 2007

blog-cation begins......

in just a few hours, i will leave work and my summer vacation officially begins. of course i am making a stop at the doctor's office. another ear infection, this time with a head cold and soon to be chest cold. how can i be sick yet again? i took an entire 2 week course of antibiotics earlier this month. we eat healthier then ever, and cut out the beer. i take my vitamins and get to bed early. oh well....we'll see what the doc says. i am not letting this ruin my vacation.

we're still not sure what we're doing for the entire time. but we did book a little cabin in the woods at this really cool place called "inn at honey run". i'm so excited! we have some ideas of weird stuff to check out along the way. who knows!

i've decided that on this vacation, i will take the week off from blogging. it's going to be hard! a whole week without blabbering, bossing, posting weird pics of monkeys, or giving snarky opinions. i better make up for it now. please enjoy an odd assortment of pics i have been saving up for a special blog:

monkeys and stuff i like or am disturbed by....

fyi- amy winehouse is the skinny/scary lady pictured next to my beloved dr. grip pens. skinny is ok. i thought calista flcokhart was beautiful (til she got scary skinny for a while.) i am not against skinny. but don't look like....... a scarecrow that got the stuffing knocked out of it!
tylenol cough syrup looks and tastes what i imagine wiper fluid to taste like. with all our modern technology, couldn't it taste like bubble gum or starbucks iced lattes?
cherry laffy taffy rules and is even better then banana laffy taffy. shocking.

and on that profound note, i bid you adieu! au revior! ciao!!! back in a week!!! let the dogs out and water my plants......


  1. I think Amy Winehouse is a male with a bad boob job...seriously..

  2. and not that anyone cares but I like Stawberry Laffy Taffy best...and I think you stole my Dr Grip pen!

  3. Thank God , we can all use a bloggging break...and no one to harass us into commenting...or blogging...by by, buy bonds and save the chicken fat...

  4. glittermom- obviously YOU don't need to be harassed to comment! 3 comments in less then an hour?

    what are you going to do without my blog to comment on for a week????

    also, my dr. grip pen is pink and i didn't steal it!

  5. So you say Glittergirl!

  6. Do you wash your hands much? And by wash, I mean, with hot water and soap, and the backs of your hands as well as between your fingers? I think that's a big thing that alot of people keep up with, and might be part of why your illnesses keep coming back?

  7. wanna make me go to rehab and said no no no!

    And that monkey butt tattoo is disgustin'!

  8. YES! Do you know that Jennifer only washes when she does #2? And I bet she skips that on an occasional basis?

    That Monkey and Bird print was used on a long sleeved REM tour shirt in 1985. I know this because I went to the show, bought the shirt, and wore it until it fell apart.

  9. well, i thought i could take a vacation from commenting too, but sadly, i see this is not the case.

    on hand washing: i wash my hands when they need washed. i have an elaborate spreadsheet in my head with the specific rules. maybe i'll plug it into an excel doc while i sit in a cabin in the woods.

    for now, MIND YER BUSINESS!

    also, i am not catching viruses, copax! it's fluid trapped in my big head from sinus and allergies, and some dumbass swollen tubes in my ears that block it all up and trap it. and then infection sets in. bacterial infection, not viral.

    so the next time i see copac and touch his hideous ear (and i will) it's ok that i haven't washed my hands since the clinton administration.


  10. Please leave for your vacation soon...We need a glittergirl break...
