June 30, 2007

i am not feeling well.... (see my new blog title header? i feel like that!)

i have this (middle and inner versions) and i think this too! wikipedia is my new doctor, except it can't prescribe medicine. missing 2 1/2 days of work is much different since the promotion. i tried to tell me doctor, "i can't keep getting sick like this, i'm a QA lead!" but she seemed confused. you see, when i call in sick, it is unpaid. combined with my terrible health insurance as a consultant, and i am screwed. my medication cost over $100 and i am working from home this weekend (unpaid) to catch up on work.

ok, the bitch and moan session is over. for now!

in other news, i have a bill collector hounding me. he called 2 saturdays ago, to ask me what i was going to do about paying my perkins loan. i had to say, "dude, i just woke up an hour ago and you're calling me about an almost 20 year old college loan? yeah, i'm not sure what i'm going to do!" i asked him to send me an invoice and said i'd need some time to figure it out. since then this lunatic has not sent me anything in writing, but called my cell phone 2-3 times a day. so now i am ignoring him out of spite, something groundcat seems nervous about. he he he.....welcome to my nightmare! the guy is more of a debt buyer then a loan collector, and i am taking some time to research my options. he's just so damn rude!

and finally, i was laying on the couch, sick with the ick, and flipping tv channels. i saw a really good video on mtv, which is shocking. the band is called the national and i love the guy's voice. it sounds like a band i would have loved in high school. so i might actually go out and buy a CD, which is shocking, and see if as an old lady i'd like the music.

i would say this is a classic blog post: wikipedia links, bitching and complaining, and a youtube video. enjoy!


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    OMG!!! I think that I had the same thing. Just before we moved to Tremont. I had this condition. If I tilted my head upward or if I awoke and turned my head to gaze at the clock. I would get the "spins". I had to then close my eyes immediately. I swore that it was vertigo. I went to the Doctor and he couldn't find anything wrong. Go figure.
    Sometimes self diagnosis is best. I hope that you feel better. :(

    As for bill collectors. I had a cable bill that was pending from almost 10 years ago. They gave me new channels and I didn't ask them to. I called and said cancel it. They never did and they billed me and then shut it off. Would you believe that I just got a letter from them a few months ago. Mother had em. Mother fuck em. I have a new request in my will. Not only do I want to cremated. The rot is gross but I want all the money for my past debt to stuffed in my urn just as a big Fuck you to debtors. Heh!

  2. YOu missed Morrisey on David Letterman last night...THat Dave got really old..Still gotta love him..

  3. I have other peoples bill collectors calling me. We got this phone number about 5 years ago and I still get calls for the last person that had the number. My cell is the same way except it has stepped up recently. I swear I want to live in a cave!!!

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Someone recently told me Kaiser has decent insurance for @ $130/month. I have not had to look since I am still on COBRA for 5 more months. Also, not sure if that includes prescription coverage. Old lady blog @ insurance, huh?
