May 9, 2007

i love picking flowers from out in the back yard.....

i love buying weird monkeys!!!!
and i love my job.
i've been wanting to write about my job. i've bitched about it in the past (for good reason.) but lately it's been a blast. i was officially promoted last week. i work with a team of people who are really good QA testers, and they're fun. i get to make decisions on stuff i've been working on for almost 2 years and really understand. i am being given huge responsibilities, but for work i actually like.

what is this work i do? i know i've tried explaining it to friends and family before. i am QA, a "quality assurance analyst", which means i test software and websites for bugs and defects. now as a QA lead i am also involved in the design process. i get to be part of the process is deciding how the software/ websites are designed. although no one will let me have any say in the color schemes. apparently pink is not a popular choice....

anyways, i am loving my job, and i know how lucky that is. i am trying to enjoy it while it lasts, knowing i am going to screw something up eventually, or i'll get a new boss or a new assignment i hate. so just enjoying it for now.

in other news.....we bought a gnome!

we've named him greg, or was it george? yes, i think we decided on george! dan's former boss will be thrilled. he got to meet elvis costello and now has a cross-eyed lawn gnome named after him.......


  1. OMG! More pictures of the kitchen, PLEASE!!! I'm loving the retro look....and that stove, I *heart* that stove!!!!!

  2. suzanne, i love the kitchen too! if you go dig around my photo blog there are more pics.

    i moved in with my boyfriend last fall and besides being in love with him, i am in love with the house as well! his great aunt ruth built it with her husband in the late 50's (i think...) and they designed it themselves.

    the kitchen has the original stove and a breakfast nook that is my favorite part of the house. we find things in the basement (like a blender from the late 50's) and it's a total adventure living there.

    besides the super cool vintage kitchen, there are lovely built in bookshelves and cabinets, an intercom system, and all kinds of cool stuff.

    thanks for the comments, my blog has been getting boring, so you just made my blogging day!

  3. the lawn gnome looks familiar, like someone else without eyebrows...

  4. I'm glad I made your day :)

    I haven't put the ads up yet...I'm still working on that. I had it once on an old blog but that was a few years ago.

    PS--Lawn Gnomes ROCK! hehehe
    But not cymbal monkeys :)
