April 29, 2007

the reluctant gardener.....

i seem to have adopted some plants since moving in here. i brought a shamrock plant back to life (see above) and have been experimenting with other plants.

i threw a bunch of wild flower seeds out front and covered them with top soil. we'll see if anything grows....

here's a 2nd shamrock i got from dan's grandmother's house. the cats there decided to eat it so i took it home, and dan got me a mini-lawn gnome to put in it.

i got these cute little pots at target. one is marigold and the other is daisy. another experiment and we'll see how they do. i was never good with plants, but that may have been partially because i always had cats. i like to think dan's great aunt ruth (who built this house w/her husband about 50 years ago) is guiding me. she worked at a nursery and loved plants. go to my photo album online to see some of her handywork!


  1. this is strictly a pity comment since your mom is not online

  2. Anonymous10:45 PM

    HA! i was just about to do the same thing.
    but, i was going to say "whatever" about the plants because that is totally something mom would say!

  3. Jennifer, is that you in the red hat?

    Why are you in a pot?

    What's with the beard?

  4. you're all making me actually miss my mom's comments on my blog!

    stacy, i read your comment and laughed and cursed you. please come visit me soon, so i can whoop your ass!!! ha ha ha!!!!!
