March 10, 2007

guilty pleasures.....
flutist herbie mann (i want a poster of this album cover)
fast food (especially mcdonald's)
tabloid magazines
counting crows
7th heaven
billy joel
will ferrell movies (anchorman especially)
sandra bullock movies
meg ryan movies (pre-plastic surgery)
dr. phil
religious talk radio (am, of course)
working on my blog at work
lawry's season salt on almost everything (corn on the cob)
videos of kittens and puppies on youtube
white bread


  1. Just give me a tub of cream cheese...yum...good on crackers or bagels or just plain...kittens and puppies make you all warm and fuzzy inside...specially puppy breath.....

  2. Why did you have to permanently scar me with that picture of Herbie Mann? Ugh.

  3. get that guy a shirt already !!

  4. Have you been sneaking into my house with a camera?

  5. whitey, i didn't know you were a flute man, i thought you played bass?

    this pic is so horrible, i might need to keep it up at the top of my blog for a very long time....

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Is that mom's new boyfriend

  7. You are in big trouble sonny boy!

  8. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Herbie is Kool Man. I painted a picture of him and sold it with a picture of Dizzy Gillespie and then I got high. Can you digggg it.
