January 22, 2007

well, thanks to copaX i think i've fixed all the links to the blogs of my peeps. it had something to do with the slashes at the end of web addresses and ...well, i don't like computers and it's hurting my big head to much too think about! but it should be fixed and computers are still dead to me. you ask how can a girl can work in IT and hate computers? well, my job as a "QA analyst" is to "break" computers, or computer software programs. and i am good at it. and yes, i like my blog, but it's easy to use, except for when links get F'ed up and copax has to boss me to fix them.

anyways......it's monday and i had a lovely 2 day weekend. that's so sad to say "2 day weekend" like it's something special, but for me, i guess it is. i won't have another saturday off until march, so i made sure to enjoy the time off. spent a lot of time just hanging out at home with "my roomate in a choir" (see comments on post below.) we left the house to come downtown to see an amazing show. lyle lovett, john hiatt, guy clark and joe ely played a showed at the playhouse. just the 4 singer-songwriters on stage, each with a guitar and mic. they took turns playing songs, then joined in with each for a few songs and it was amazing. lyle lovett has been a favorite since high school, john hiatt since college. i would put a bunch of links for them, but it's monday and i am tired. go look them up on wikipedia! guy clarke is an old school songwriter who i wasn't too familiar with. he did a few 'sad bastard' songs that blew me away. joe ely was the only boring part. but lyle lovett came out and smiled the whole time. he played some of my favorites and was funny too! john hiatt was the best part for me. he played some wild guitar stuff with the other guys. i wish more people knew about hiatt! besides his "have a little faith in me" song that is in way too many chick flicks.
ok, i need more coffee. ciao!

1 comment:

  1. You poor thing. You work way too much.
