January 4, 2007

i haven't blogged in ages. i have been "sick with the ick" (i.e. sinus infection, ear aches, etc...) and now back to work for 10 hour days and mandatory saturdays from now til spring. the pic above describes my feelings on this matter.
also, a big middle finger to matt in vegas for adding my mom's blog to his, and NOT mine. that's just wrong!!!!!


  1. your going to be how old next week?

  2. Hey hey, how goes? Been a nie whle since I've been blogging too :)

    Love the post, sorry to hear about the sinuses... Is that griffen in the background? Besure to tell him I say hi! :D

  3. Anonymous1:21 PM

    howdy carlo! if you look on this blog or my photo album, you will see tons of griffin pics. he's doing great and loves living with dan and his 2 dogs. they are all spoiled and get tons on treats and SOMEONE even lets them up on the couch now and then.....

  4. griffen needs to get up on the couch every now and again.. he'd be sad if he didn't get to!

  5. a cowboy hat? Tsk Tsk.
    Don't tell your mom I was here. I'd die if she knew I was slumming.
