November 30, 2006

when celebrities go bat shit crazy.....part deux....... (my linkiest blog post ever!!!)
i know i've blogged about this before. tom cruise hopping around on oprah's couch, arguing about his study of the "history of psychiatry", etc... mel gibson drunk and mean, etc.... but there's a new batch of crazy brewing out there, and i feel the need to comment.

first off: mel gibson feels sorry for michael richards. me too, but for different reasons. seeing richards on letterman, then with jesse jackson, trying to make ammends. it seems like people are wanting him to apologize for a couple 100 years of racism, and not just one bad night. read doug stanhope's take on the whole "make the N-word illegal" debate. i can't imagine richard pryor agreeing with the comedy club's decision to ban the word.... (fyi- you'll need to scroll down past stanhope's update on his "nether region" problems.)

apparently britney spears is flashing her crotch on a daily basis. this website has some pics if that's your cup of tea. i've heard folks in the press saying they're worried about her being a role model for young girls, but i think she's past her prime. and amy sedaris is a way better role model for girls and boys!

the great film director robert altman passed away recently. i was going to write about him, but got side tracked by some youtube video or another. it's ok though, because lindsey lohan wrote a nice letter of condolence for his family, and was smart enough to release it to the press. everyone should, "Please just take each moment day by day and consider yourself lucky to breathe and feel at all and smile. Be thankful. Life comes once, doesn't 'keep coming back'." amen sister!

danny devito showed for an appearance on the view a little drunk from a night of partying. and anna nicole is crazier then tom cruise on oprah's couch, any day! she's on entertainment tonight every other night, crying (with her strangely frozen and possibly botoxed face unmoving.) she's got a great tan though! every night the announcer tells us, "anna nicole breaks down..." "anna nicole shattered...discusses christmas without her son..." i've seen footage of her getting a caesarian on ET!!!

and finally, after being forced by rachel to watch "america's top model" last night, i have to say that tyra banks is koo koo for coco puffs. she looks like a heavily made up drag queen and announces everything she says in the most pompous and grave tone. "and now must learn to tango!" opie & anthony have been playing clips from tyra's daytime talk show and it's even worse. on that show she screams and no matter what the topic or guest, changes the topic to herself. she did a show on underwear, and had an "expert" on to explain that not only do you have to wash your panties, you have to put them in the dryer. no way!!!!!!!!!!

here's a clip from the notorious "panty party!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. yes there are a lot of crazies out there...but isn't it fun to read about them...obiousely Britney Spears is just plain trashy..SOme say make the N work legal then there won't be any hub bub about it being said...(thats not going to happen) THere are a of crazys that aren't famous, they just don't make the tabloid covers...How bout the woman who put her baby in the micro wave..
