November 13, 2006

more random stuff and bitchings and moanings....

"let the dog drive" is one of my favorite books. it's not well know and i read it about 10 years ago. and now i can find barely information about the author online. there's no wiki! i don't know what even made me think of the book.

oh wait, i do know.....i was on wikipedia on ym lunch break, reading about the novel and film "american psycho". watched it last night for the first time all the way through. and maybe it was my mood, but i thought it was hilarious. when the book (and eventually film) came out, it was incredibly controversial. i was in college around that time and the feminists were up in arms over the book. now though, it just seems like an interesting story about a psycho-killer 1980's cheesy, self-absorbed stock broker.

once on wiki, i started looking up other favorite authors from those days, like donna tartt, michael chabon and finally david bowman. but no link for bowman! anyways, i recommend the book highly. it's funny and surreal and if it's even in print, i boss you to check it out.

i am a little tired and cranky (and plenty whiney) from having worked all day saturday. today we were told that there will be no scheduled days off until well into january. so basically i have only sundays off from now until next year. not good!

check out for david's new "shoppe". he's got some products and if you purchase them, part of the profit goes to help kids dying their hair in africa!

1 comment:

  1. Funny and surreal? Have you read this book lately? I read it when you did & I remember: horrible & disturbing! But, I haven't read the book lately so who knows.
