November 22, 2006

everyone have a lovely thanksgiving.....

have a nice turkey day, and enjoy the day off. i should list all the crap i am thankful for, but i am not in the mood....

isn't this photo magical? it's an elephant in the womb... to see more animals in the womb, click here. i found this story on the drudge report. matt drudge is historically anti-choice and i am sure that's why he bothered to post the story. so i had some reservation about even posting a link. but it's an interesting story, and being pro-choice, i can still think the images are beautiful and breathtaking. so there! dan, can we get a baby elephant???

in other news, the new tom waits CD "orphans" is amazing! it goes back almost 30 years (til present) and even has his son playing drums on a few tunes. i boss everyone to give it a listen. the best track is a twisted bedtime story that made me giggle myself to sleep the other night. tom describes the work like this: "What’s Orphans? I don’t know. Orphans is a dead end kid driving a coffin with big tires across the Ohio River wearing welding goggles and a wife beater with a lit firecracker in his ear."


and finally...... just wanted to comment on the michael richards bruhaha. dan bossed me to watch the video from the comedy club, and then richards on letterman trying to explain. a million other media commentators and blogger have written about this already. my take on it is this: i think he was bombing at the club, and got upset. he seemed to be trying to pull an "andy kaufman." richards and kaufman were friends and often performed together in the 70's. andy used to bait audiences by saying rude, offensive and sexist things. people hated him at the time. it was all an act, but he never did bother to explain that to the pissed off audiences. especially the people who came to see sweet, sensitive "latka" from the tv show "taxi". i think something similar occured in this instance. too bad michael richards wasn't funny enough to pull it off.... seeing him on letterman trying to explain his actions was the worst. the audience started off giggling, but got increasingly uncomfortable. richards started off apologetic but ended up seeming defensive. and refering to black people as "afro-americans" didn't help.

damn you, dan!!! why did you make me watch that mess??? now you've ruined seinfeld reruns for me, forever!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    OH GOD! C'mon now, Charlton, give us a break. No one needs to see that sh*t. An over-cooked racist turkey ;-) I still love him, the ol' nut-job. Again, we must remember that Andy Kaufman and other past "comedians" have branched off into their own unstable forms of perfomance art. We hate it at the time, but we learn to respect the free speach in the future, no matter how offensive it might have been or might still be.
