November 24, 2006

black friday...
i guess today is the biggest shopping day of the year. i have no desire to be out in the crowds looking for bargains. i am doing all my xmas shopping online this year. and now i won't have to buy gifts for my sister or boyfriend (as they are dead to me- see below) so it will be much easier!

i am stuck at work, with nothing to do. waiting to get some big thing to test, but it's been days and it's blowing up on programmers. so i am doing the famous "hurry up and wait!" routine. with the downtime, i am looking up melonheads and crockpots on wikipedia. i am so excited to see the melonheads finally got their own wiki entry. about time! and the crockpot, oh my gosh....a miracle! i used one for the first time and made a kickass beef stew. even got groundcat to help by stirring the pot, although wiki states, "the lid should not be removed to, for example, stir the food, as this would significantly prolong required cooking time due to heat loss." oops! oh well, it turned out great anyways. i should have taken pics!!!

in other blog news- i found out my sister hates my blog. i guess my fancy blog loads slow on her old PC. whatever! and in more shocking news, my own boyfriend doesn't even keep up with my blog! david suggested that living with someone might make keeping up with blogs obsolete. nonsense!!!! i say this is a blog scandal on the highest order!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I may read your blog everyday, but then I need things to do....some people do have jobs,real business, and more important things to do than read your mundane blog...So get over it missy...

  2. Ahh the joy of the Xmas stampede...I try to be done way before this day...but alas I haven't bought a thing this year...I guess Xmas is dead...

  3. *cough*dramaqueen*cough*

  4. Anonymous1:07 AM

    This black Friday business was apparently already over by the time i got off early. I headed out to the far west side and did all my Christmas shopping in 5 minutes.

    David Lowell Reynolds, II

  5. drama queen??? well, i'll have you know, good sir, that YOU are now dead to me as well. DEAD TO ME!!!


  6. Yep Drama Queen she is....

  7. thank you so much for providing proof to justify my claim :)


  8. Bah...I like your blog, your demonstrated boldness of not capitalizing any obviously think outside of the comment box! And I love the healthy use of exclamation points!

  9. i posted a comment the other day and it's nowhere to be seen...either you or blogger are now dead to me. so there!

  10. Pffft! That part about removing the crockpot lid is ridiculous. Go ahead and stir all you want... It won't hurt anything.

  11. mom, you said, "some people do have jobs,real business, and more important things to do". while this may be true with some folk, you are retired and at home watching the dew point on the weather channel! so YOU have no excuse not to read and comment.

    ben, thanks for noticing the no caps. i do it in tribute to e.e. cummings, and also because i am too lazy to be bothered to hit the shift key. as far as the exclamation marks go, i think elaine benes from seinfeld would have a problem with my overusage, but i don't care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sister roboto- maybe you are comupter illiterate and don't know how to post comments. or maybe my blog hates you....hahahahaha....

    reynolds- i can't wait to see the gifts you bought in your 5 minute shopping frenzy. did you buy some red paint for the walls too?

    and finally, my lovely lobster friend, thank you! we stired the stew and it came out wonderful! wiki ain't the boss of me!!!

  12. and copax, you, kind sir, remain, as always, DEAD TO ME!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Okay, histrionics reset.

    Drama Queen.

    Okay, the shopping. I will not will never never ever do that shit.
    Again. I did it one year and I hated it. People were nasty mob mentality pigs, I mean, I don't even like the crowd participation at Rocky Horror Picture Show, what made me think I would like getting thumped in the ass by yuppies riding shopping carts like souped up Ford Mustangs?

    And the bargains? Not that great. Not worth it. I never will buy my kids The Hot Toy on principle because I think it teaches them some really effed up values. Jesus is Born, honey; here, kill some prostitutes in Grand Theft Auto!

    I read about this group of kids who raise cash online, then camp out to buy expensive game systems. Then as soon as they buy it they smash it with hammers in front of the rest of the line. People cry.

    I think I love them.

  14. stacy, is that true??? about the kids smashing stuff??? please send a link!

  15. ps- we ate the stew and it was the worst stew ever!!! ok maybe not, i'll have to suck it up and admit that i was pretty damn good.

    pps- your blog and youtube are still dead to me.

    that is all

  16. Anonymous7:47 AM

    This blog sucks, I've been telling her that for the past 5 months and you finally realize people don't like it? Try going for more of the day time talk show drama. That will get more users! The comments are more interesting then the posts.

  17. wow, this is the most action my blog has seen in ages! 17 comments!!!

    zak, you're right, this blog needs MORE drama! like arguements about the best sanGwich and why my mom puts sauerkraut in her stuffed cabbage...

  18. This aint no link. You gotta cut and paste.

    But I love iPod. I am a hypocrite.
