September 14, 2006


i got a super cool "toddy" coffee maker. it makes coffee using only cold water and a soaking method. here's the wiki article on the miracle of toddy!!! it's much better then brewing coffee and just sticking it in the fridge. very fancy. oh yeah, the other little bit of news is that i am moving in with the boy that i seem to have fallen in love with. i don't talk about it much on the blog, but he's the one for me. i think i knew he was too good to be true when he got out the michael myers mask just to scare my little sister. now THAT is true love!

so "glittergirl in the city" is going to be living out in the burbs, more like the country. there's even a big red barn (see little sister's blog for pics.) a new adventure begins.......


  1. Anonymous11:19 AM

    before moving to the burbs you might want to check out that attic...

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    that coffee maker is a knock off of the sun tea....using cold water to make your brew...aren't you suppose to drink hot coffee in the winter?

  3. i am more worried about the creepy well out back then the attic....

    the coffee maker is a miracle! and once you make the toddy, you have to add water. so in the winter, you add boiling water. duh!

  4. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Toddy smoddy,,,give me an old fashion coffee pot...just a new fangled gimmick to get you kids to buy something....psh shaw!

  5. um, mom.....did you read the wiki link? the toddy coffee maker was invented in the 1960's. that's not new fangled!

    then again, you are a little "long in the tooth", so maybe the 60's are newfangled to you.

    LOL! PWNed!!!!!

  6. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Why must you fight me....all I know is in the 60's we drank our coffee out of the pot and still do...

  7. So you're becoming a suburban housewife. Sell out.

    And I agree with your mom about the coffee toddy thing. Just drink it out of the damn pot like real coffee drinkers. Making coffee with cold water then adding hot water - that is the most ridiculously backwards notion I've ever heard.

    But I've never known you to be able to pass up a newfangled gadget. Even if it's just a retro retread that failed to catch on the first time. Hee hee hee!

  8. Oh about the Michael Myers mask. Anyway that he could come crashing through the front window? You know, like for a joke? That would be hilarious!

  9. I found one of these toddy pots new in the box at the kidney foundation for two dollar and ninety two cent yesterday.

    In the interest of not being Bridget Fonda in Single White Female, I passed it on to a friend who had lost out on several ebay auctions for one.

    I actually agree with you about the toddy though. Hot coffee cooled down seems to have an acid precipitate that doesn't happen when the coffee is steeped in cold water. With hot coffee, it's part of the pleasant "bite" you want, but in cold coffee it's just bellyache city.
