August 31, 2006

  • some mean person has a blog post about christina ricci's forehead. there's nothin' wrong with a high forehead!!! it's a sign of intelligence and nobility. so there!
  • my mom's new blog i have linked is a bit of a sham. i "might" have gotten bored at work , and "possibly" sick of her bossing me on my blog, and created it myself. but i am hoping if i keep filling it with lies and slander, she might actually take it over and start posting herself. that way she can stop bossing me over here on my blog.
  • i am really excited about this new film called, "this film is not yet rated". i love debating censorship issues and this film also looks pretty funny.
  • griffin has decided he doesn't like going into the back yard. no one knows why. but since i got home monday, he's going to the bathroom on the back deck and seems terrified to walk down the steps to the yard. who knows what happened or what is going on in that crazy dog brain.....
  • i have seen ads for 2 of the most obnoxious, aimed for teens, films ever. "material girls" stars some teen movie star and her sister, and they both look like horse-faced sarah jessica parker wanna be's. turn your volume down if you decide to click that link. the other one is "cheetah girls" starring the little kid from the cosby show. blech!
  • big news: i am joining the irish american club with my friend beth. why? well, even though i am probably not irish (but there could be some irish on my dad's side!) i have a good reason to join. the ladies drill team. first of all, they march in the parades, and god knows i miss my old marching band days. then beth brought out the uniform. oh my! you know i love a good reason to dress up, and this uniform kicks ass! there's a beautiful kilt, and a dark blue blazer (kinda like zak's iron chef coat) and a cool plaid scarf and a beret! yeah, i'm gonna die my hair red and march in next year's st. patty's day parade!
  • i know sofia coppola gets a bad rap as a director. people love or hate her films. one boy i know even hated "virgin suicides"! how crazy is that? anyways, i think her new marie antoinette film looks good. i'll stick a youtube clip at the top. enjoy!
  • another film, out 20 years ago, is pretty in pink. i need the new DVD version!!! someone buy me this for a present!!!!!

ok, that's all for now. i plan on taking the 3 day weekend to relax and do a lot of NOTHING, so if i don't blog for the weekend, just know that i am off having a lazy, long weekend. ciao!!!


  1. I saw this preview in the theatre before I left Columbus & I am reminded that I am confused. Can someone explain the anachronistic juxtaposition of modern music against an 18th century historical figure? It's based on Antonia Frasier's work, so the music took me by surprise.

    Is it going to be some kind of fucked up Marie Antoinette/anarchy in France/faux Sex Pistols/music video or is it going to be an acutal period piece about Marie Antoinette and the starving milkmaids of Paris?

    Can SOMEONE PLEASE explain this to me?

  2. oh duchess.....this reminds me of us living together in columbus, watching "friday the 13th" on the wanted to know HOW jason could keep getting up after being hit with axes and tree stumps and bullets.

    suspension of disbelief, baby!

    sorry, just being condescending for laughs.

    really, i think the anachronistic juxtiposition of the post-punk late 70's-early 80's music and the time period is a valid one.

    this was the time between punk and new wave, and everyone was trying to decide where they fit in. it was a tiny little window between subcultures, an awkward time. and i think it makes sense, matching it up with an 18th century historical figure who was then and is now completely misunderstood, who also struggled with identity and her place in history.

    was marie antoinette punk or new wave??? neither! she was post punk. it makes total sense.

    (also, it's 7:23am and i am at work going on about 4 hours sleep.)

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I saw previews for a new movie with Robert Downey Jr and Nicole Kidman Urban..Didn't see the name but it looks real creepy....Its based on a true life woman photographer....It shows her in bed with all this hair covering her, and I don't think its hers...Whats that all about?

  4. Anonymous8:35 PM

    too bad none of us have the IFC channel....and I say theres nothing wrong with a big foe-head....

  5. mom, that movie with nicolde kidman is called "fur" and it's based on diane arbus, one of my favorite photographers. but i can't find a clip of it online anywhere!

  6. I hate anachronisms. Hate them. There is no way that Marie-Antoinette could be punk or post-punk. Why? Because it didn't exist in her time and we are superimposing our way of understanding the world on the past without even TRYING to avoid or acknowledge the distortion.

    Ugh. The scholar in me HATES that. It makes way more sense for us to try to understand our modern movements through the lens of the past rather than vice versa. Or history will repeat itself.

    Oh nevermind. Don't get me started... I'm just starved for school to start.

  7. I've seen that "Cheetah Girls 2" preview too, and now I'm wondering how I could've missed the first Cheetah movie. Did you see it, glittergirl?

    I also wonder what happened to that Cosby girl that made her get so puffy all of a sudden. Is she expecting?

  8. duchess, you said, "It makes way more sense for us to try to understand our modern movements through the lens of the past rather than vice versa. Or history will repeat itself."

    maybe that's what the director is doing with this film. maybe the juxtipostion is suppose to show us something about ourselves and our own time. can't it work both ways?

    maybe some teenage girl will see the film and relate to antionette, in a way she might not have if it weren't for the punk rock modern element.

    of course "punk rock" is about 30 years old, so not so modern. we're just old!

    tlm- she looks puffy and mean. i can't watch the show. she'll give me nightmares.

  9. Is that the Cosby girl in the post below? The one on the right?

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