August 28, 2006

random stuff.....
i love this pic i last weekend. it's so bright and sparkly! anyways, this is a random, rambling post. first of all, i am trying out a new blogger format, called "blogger beta", which makes me extra fancy! i am playing around with the layout and fonts. i've also tweaked my "peeps and homies" section; added "gorilla monkey pen" back, although he's not updated in ages, i have a feeling he might be soon. i added my pal "brother bear", a good friend from the last job (like most of the boys i hang out with!) i took off my sister blog as incentive for her to finally update it. and i think my brother-in-law might be cooking up a new blog...

in other news, i think i am going to try light therapy to see if it will help with the chronic insomnia and depression i battle. copaX offered to shine a flashlight in my face (he's so sweet!) and if it cures my neonatal jaundice, all the better!


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Please when using i singular capitalize...also you might want to try putting your face in front of a candle...

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I see groundcat made it to no. 1 on the speed dial...(seinfeld reference)

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Me again....that 1st sentence doesn't make a lick of sense...What was in that glass anyway?

  4. oh yeah, the first sentence should read "this picture i took last weekend." and the substance in the glass is some kind of red diet soda. sadly, i cannot remember what the heck it was! oh wait, it was that pink diet 7up that i love!

    and yes, ground cat got bumped to the top of the list of peeps and homies. i was wondering if anyone would notice.

  5. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I am very observant....
