August 14, 2006

last night i saw the one musician i would stand in line for hours, and stay up on a sunday night til 4am for. tom waits scheduled a final, last minute show at the house of blues in cleveland. i've blogged about tom waits before. he's been one of my favorite musicians and artistic inspirations since high school. and he tours maybe once a decade, so dan and i were so lucky to get tickets to the show at the last minute.

the show was amazing....not even sure how to describe it. but we were downtown at 3:30am and it was a magical night. here's a blog devoted to only tom waits if you are interested in set lists and show details.

i do have to say that the crowd was really rude. yelling out requests and drowing him out (which was a disappointment not to hear him, because he's hilarious when he talks between songs.) people talked during the show and when he ended the show at 3:30 am and didn't come out for a 3rd encore, people actually booed. i've never wanted to scream at a group of people more in my life. i wanted to say, "you rude fucks! you're lucky the man gets out of bed and sets foot on stage for the likes of you!"

besides the rude crowd, it was a wonderful, once in a lifetime experience. he son was on stage playing drums which was so cool to see. and if he tours again in another decade or so, i will definetly be there, even if it's 3am on a work night!

one more thing: during the final encore, tom waits reached into the pockets of his old suit jacket and threw handfuls of glitter at the audience (remember rip taylor???) i think he did it because he knew i was there....

1 comment:

  1. it was a magical night, was it not?
    i was there, in Akron and Cleveland... and will be cobbling my thoughts together soon.... right now... i'm pretty road weary after 1,200 miles (round trip)

    hoist that rag!
