July 13, 2006

yeah..........i ride the short bus...........
today is one of those days where everything i touch turns to absolute shit (see above pic.) just had a rough night last night, not a lot of sleep. work was crazy and my interview with EBM (evil boss man) was......odd.....(more on that later....)

so i stopped at the grocery for household stuff and thought it might be fun and relaxing to bake my boyfriend cookies. he likes cookies. and that's what "normal" girls do. i've seen them do it on tv, so i know!

like a retarded kid at christmas, i like to decorate the cookies in my own "special" way. i buy the pre-made roll, so all i have to do is slice and bake. i thought i'd add some fancy blue sprinkles. i tried slicing 1 sheet of cookies thinner then usual, so i would have more to decorate with the purple frosting i bought (like a retarded kid.)

i was going to explain how the disaster (pictured above) happened, but i think we should have a contest. guess how jennifer managed to screw up a batch of cookies so badly, and win.....a batch of cookies!!!


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    It appears that you put the cookie sheet in the oven upside down.

  2. Didn't grease the cookie sheet?

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    i still think you threw them in the oven...it is kind of like jumping in the shower...you don't want to do it literally.

  4. you're all WRONG!

    the directions state that the cookie sheet should not be greased. the problem with the first sheet was that i sliced them too thin and overcooked them.

    the 2nd sheet was the real disaster. they weren't sliced as thin and the cookie sheet was thicker. so when i went to take them out, they were actually undercooked.

    the other problem was that the potholder i used had soaked up water on the counter. so when i grabbed the 2nd sheet (with the wet pot holder) i got burned pretty badly. the pain shot up my arm and i threw the sheet of undercooked cookies down. they went flying all over the bottom of the oven.

    once things cooled down, at least griffin had a good time "helping" me clean up the mess.

  5. Um, you posted the answer before I had an opportunity to guess. That's discrimination against people who sleep late. I was going to guess exactly what you said. Therefore you owe me a batch of cookies. Though, since that would be difficult to mail, I'll take a digital camera instead. Heh heh heh.

  6. Um, you posted the answer before I had an opportunity to guess. That's discrimination against people who sleep late. I was going to guess exactly what you said. Therefore you owe me a batch of cookies. Though, since that would be difficult to mail, I'll take a digital camera instead. Heh heh heh.

  7. Anonymous12:16 PM

    by the looks of her cookies you really don't want her to make you any....Give it up Jennifer..Martha Stewart you aren't....You can buy cookies in a box now a days...Bet you didn't know that...

  8. Hell, ya shoulda brought em over anyways. I woulda ate em.

  9. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I see the problem with the baking...You were baking the spatula with the cookies...thats a no no....especially when its plastic...

  10. Why I wouldn't even know what happenned there.

    Milk Milk Lemonade. My house is where real cookies get made...


    Love, Your Otherwise NLL Friend

  11. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I bet Stacy has some good cookies at her house....

  12. I keep telling you that Dan is good egg & that comment proves it. Either that or he is cookie monster after plastic surgery. Though cookie monster wouldn't do that, now would he?

  13. OH! I have to post this come lately although I was mean before.

    Parchment Paper- Dig It!

    It seems like some foofoo thing but buy it once it'll quickly become a pantry staple. You'll never scrub a cookie sheet or burn anything again, Jenny.

  14. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Here are some links that I believe will be interested
