July 20, 2006

a new food poll......

ok, here's my question: on an "average" day, if you just stopped worrying about calories, caffeine intake, blood pressure, weight gain, or money, what would you eat?

i am having a day like that today, and i realize how bad my natural eating tendencies are.

my day of not caring menu:

breakfast: starbucks venti quad iced latte (w/skim and sugar free vanilla.) not bad as far as calories, but hard on the wallet. then some sort of bacon, egg & cheese breakfast sanGwich.

snack: "white lightning" frozen coffee drink from downstairs and bag of BBQ pork cracklings

lunch: hot dog and fries with a diet coke. lots of salt on the fries.

dinner: pepperoni & mushroom pizza from luigi's (in mentor) and a nice dark beer

snack: cookies

yes, is it any wonder i am.....what one would call........ rubenesque, zaftig, or chunk-style (ok, i made that one up!) i mean, there's not a fruit or vegtable to be found the entire damn day!!!

ok, time for me to go downstairs and buy lunch. the lean cuisines i bought at the grocery store last night sit in the freezer at home. oh yes, and there's birthday cake being served up at the 1pm meeting today. woo hoo!!!


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    for breakfast and sauage,egg mcmuffin...lunch pepperoni,mushroom(have to have a veggie) pizza, for dinner a full out thanksgiving feast...roast turkey w/stuffing, mashed potatoes, lots of real gravey,rolls w/real butter and if any room left a pc of cheese cake...only 4 more months to go and its a reality.

  2. breakfast: oatmeal w/raisins, pancakes, sausage, bacon, and mcdonald's hash browns

    lunch: china buffet, sweet and sour chicken by the bucketful, and soft serve ice cream to finish it off

    dinner: big honkin bacon cheeseburger, bacon cheddar fries, and a pizza with inches of pepperoni on it

    snack: big bowl of nacho cheese and cool ranch doritos mixed together

    dessert: multiple pints of ben and jerry's ice cream including Caramel Sutra, Chubby Hubby, and Cherry Garcia flavors

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Breakfast: Huge Stack of Pancakes, we are talking like 10 MINIMUM.

    Lunch: 2 Chipotle Burittos

    Snack: Chips & Salsa

    Dinner: Sushi, over 6 rolls.

  4. That day actually decribes my life cause I don't think I've ever had success sticking to a diet.

    Here's what I ate on Wednesday:

    Breakfast- Egg Sandwich with Cheese on Wheat Bread and coffee

    Then I had a biochemistry midterm
    so I had one of them jacked up caffeine version diet sodas and a Starbucks Double Shot in a can from the student union. As a result I earned a 96/100 and that was my lunch. I ate some chips when I got home.

    I slept for four hours and them we
    went to Frisch's Big Boy where I had two bowls of vegetable soup, a big plate of salad with Bleu Cheese dressing, a Cheeseburger and Chocolate cream pie.

    And a Java Chip Frappucino before I went to work.

    I know, it's frightening. I am neither a lazy fat person or a person with slow metabolism. It's clear I eat twice what I should for my height and the result is I
    weigh twice what I should. No frickin mystery.

  5. Okay. Here is my frustration: As those of you who knew me in years past know, I have not been a thin mint until recently. And that is due to Weight Watchers. But when you see my ideal menu you will see that I actually like vegetables & fruit & tofu. So it's not fair that I should also have to avoid sweets, eat little portions & reduced fat, diet stuff:

    Breakfast: Stoneyfield Farm Vanilla Yogurt with blueberries & granola (cream top is best, but I can dig the low fat variety) or a toasted bagel with cream cheese, coffee with cream.

    Lunch: A big ass salad - a greek salad or a salad from Benevolence with a side of pita or bread.

    Snack: Full sugar coca cola (o the memory of such sweet love). A cookie or a piece of cake.

    Dinner: Tofu Almond Ding from Nong's or pizza or a grilled cheese sandwich with french fries (you should see the pathetic thing I call a grilled cheese these days made with tofu cheese & butter flavored cooking spray) or cheese tortellini with pesto sauce & garlic bread.

    Snack: An iced mocha coffee beverage and a cookie or muffin or piece of cake.

    My problem is I like volume & I love stuff like Jeni's salty caramel ice cream, cheesecake, donuts, boston cream pie, chocolate cake, muffins. mmmm candy...

    My real menu today:

    Breakfast: 1 cup Barbara's cinnamon puffins cereal with 3/4 cup Westsoy non-fat soy milk

    Lunch: Benevolence Salad, Bread & a cup of soup

    Dinner: A piece of Vegetarian shepherd's pie & a banana.

    My inner self is fat and even though I'm thin now, I still don't got no game!
