July 17, 2006

how i spent my weekend......

i basically spent the weekend driving a truck (like this one) to philly and back with dan. it's about a 9 hour drive, give or take an extra hour for getting lost. we drove the truck to philly to help his sister ginny move home. it was exhausting, but so good to finally meet her. and i am excited to have her living in the area so i can get to know her.

so we survived the weekend in the penske truck. we didn't even attempt to kill each other and ended up laughing most of the last hour of the drive home.

oh yeah, i forgot about the cookies. here's is the cookie story, part II: in my stubborness, i decided to try another batch of cookies friday night. they turned out perfect and i frosted them too. they looked like something out of a magazine, and it worried me. before we left for philly i put some in a baggie to bring on the trip. when i went to get them out of my travel bag, they were crushed, some into almost a fine powder. i just looked at the bag of crumbs and said, "now THAT'S what my cookies should look like!" and all felt right in the world.

i am so NOT martha stewart, but i'm gonna try stacy's parchment paper idea the next time....


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I think your need more than parchment paper to suceed..I'm telling you, you can actually buy cookies already baked....prob your best bet....and they come in crush proof wrapping...

  2. I think you're trying to get the end, rather than working your way up to it. Start with the tube cookies. the kind you slice off and put on the pan. and be sure to follow the instructions. they pay people good money to work out the instructions, you really ought to pay attention to their efforts. Also, bags are usually bad for cookies, specially on a road trip or being transported anywhere. Try a small little tupperware container. they sell disposable ones at the grocery store now. they're pretty handy.

  3. sadly, my dear copaX, i've been using the slice and bake "tube" kind.....

    but i like your tupperware idea! pure genius!!1

  4. We live in parallel universes with respect to horrible moving van weekends (see my blog for details). When it comes to cookies though, we are worlds apart. My eggless chocolate chip cookies have been known to have the same effect as crack on some people; they are that delicious. And did I mention that I make them from scratch?

    Also, I'm not sure you are worthy of tupperware. I seem to recall an incident in which you smashed my sandwich with your fist because you said sandwiches carried in lunch bags should be squished, not perfectly preserved like the one I had lovingly removed from my tupperware container. I think the right to use tupperware is something you earn through having proper respect. do you respect the tupperware lady?

  5. jen....*sigh*...you did that? that's it. I take back my tupperware recommendation. you are hereby forced to keep your cookies in small plastic bags and you have to keep them in your pockets.

    and how is it that everybody you know is a really good cook except for you?

  6. you're all dead to me. tupperware is also dead to me.

    also, the duchess fails to inform y'all that i packed her lunch for her once or twice, and even included a magical tiny orange.

  7. so packing of the lunch once or twice is supposed to wipe the slate clean after smashing a person's sandwich out of pure hate?

  8. once, my friend jason kept pestering me to try some pretzels he'd packed in his lunch. they were some new kind of honesy wheat pretzel and he was going on and on about them. he tossed me a sandwich bag full of them, even after i said i wasn't a fan of honey wheat anything.

    the bag sat on my desk all day. and he kept bothering me. so finally i picked up the bag, and stood up. i looked right at him, dropped the bag to the ground, and crushed the pretzels with my foot.

    he looked so shocked. and all i could do was laugh and laugh.....

  9. I like your pasta, Char-butt.

  10. duchess, would you make me a batch of your eggless chocolate chip cookies? i would like to take an objective approach to this matter for scientific purposes.

  11. ah the tiny magical orange. i remember one time i was so hungry. so weak. sitting in biology lab trying to see germs and stuff in the microscope, but only seeing my own eyelashes around the edges. i had one piece of food left. a tiny orange my roommate had packed for me. i was so desperate i peeled it even though it would only provide me a morsel of nutrition. it might be enough to get me through the lab. i was so grateful for her kindness. oh how crushing when i discovered that the orange was filled with bitter poison that left my eyes stinging with tears.

  12. on a lighter note: groundcat, if you and glittergirl visit me in edmonton i will make you a whole batch of eggless chocolate chip cookies. glittergirl can feast on tiny oranges.

  13. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Keep up the good work. thnx!
