June 8, 2006

read about this cool weather phenomenon here. as a child i was obsessed with cloud formations and wanted to be a meteoroligist until i found out i'd have to study lots of math. just call me "slackass" like my bro copaX does.....

ok, after today only 4 more work days before bonnaroo. this weekend the weather is supposed to be wonderful and i am hoping for another "pre-bonnaroo" camp out. i need to practice watching, i mean helping set up the tent!

other news: my boss pulled me in to a meeting this morning, wanting to know what was "up" with me. apparently i seem "disengaged" and detached from work. um, yeah! i am doing my work and doing a good job, but am just sort of ignoring all the bitching and complaining in the pit. so he agreed that my being disengaged wasn't a bad thing, as long as i am still happy in my job. i let him know i am happy as long as we don't go to 60 hour weeks again. he agreed and it actually ended on a good note. but i am definetly ready for a few days off and away from work.

ok, time to go do some work. ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to keep an eye on the tropical weather, glittergirl! There's supposed to be a lot of rain headed my way early next week, which probably means nasty weather in Tennessee a few days later.

    Did you buy some bad weather camping gear? And bug spray.. Lots of bug spray.
