June 23, 2006

new blog post, with a side of angst....
"Your blog has really suffered as you have been getting happier." it's true, my blog has been boring as hell. even a road trip to southern tennesse to attend a rock concert with 80,000 dirty hippies and a ricky skaggs roadside accident horror scene didn't do much to produce enough trauma or angst for some. but today is a bad day, and i am at work looking up words like "ennui" and "angst" on wikipedia. so enjoy!!!!

"Angst is a Dutch, German, and North Germanic word for fear or anxiety. It is used in English to describe an intense feeling of emotional strife."

here's the lesson i am learning: you can be all happy and in love with the most wonderful person, but you still have bad days. being in love doesn't make you hate your job any less or make it easier to take your sick old dog to the vet, again. it doesn't help balance your checkbook or get the gutters cleaned.

that being said, i am still happy and smart enough to know how lucky i am to have something really good happening, amidst all the shit.

ok, on to random things.....

apparently, stabbing yourself in the chest AND jumping 9 stories to your death in cleveland can't get you ruled a suicide. read about it here. seems like 2 methods of suicide and a huge gambling debt aren't fact enough for the coroner.

here's the thing about bonnaroo that left a bad taste in my mouth: the money. the cost of tickets (VIP or otherwise) just seemed so out of hand. and then to not provide free water and run out of toliet paper by the end of day 2, seemed like such poor planning & greed. they made a lot of money, read here.

finally, i'd like to recommend some films and bands that dan has recently bossed me to check out. the boy has good taste!

films: "the big lebowski" (yes, i am only like 8 years behind on this one. and i've loved other cohen brother films, so not sure what took me so long.) also, the movie "stay". i am too lazy to write about it, so go here and read up.

music: bright eyes, iron and wine, hayden, and the flaming lips. i am obsessed with the flaming lips album "yoshimi battles the pink robots" (and this time only 4 years behind!)

ok, i am done for now. i am going to get out of this funk, this angsty mood and enjoy my weekend. and here's another beautiful song with images from a favorite film. enjoy and cheer the fuck up!


  1. Jennifer, it's okay to suffer from a mild case of Sting syndrome, as long as you don't start bragging about tantric orgasms in public.

    When you post your version of Uptown Girl, I'm sure you'll get a nasty rash shortly and satisfy all those who really have your best interests at heart.

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Your blog is giving me angst...Lets pick it up...and enough of those "here" click ons...(Tenness-ee)
