June 27, 2006

i read the news today, oh boy.......... (and a new earth shattering poll!!!)

ok, i have been cringing over my starbucks reading the news (venti quad iced latte, skim & sugar free vanilla w/ 2 packs of splenda, if you're wanting to treat me next time.)

rush limbaugh was detained at an airport for having viagara in his possession without a valid prescription. read about it here (and deal with the link, mom!) i almost feel bad for the guy at this point. i've always had a strong dislike for him, and yes, i did listen to a few shows all the way through before i decided he was an imbecile. so he got busted for sending his maid out to buy pain pills a few years back. that's not the worst thing a celebrity has done. but now a viagara scandal? too much information! and someone please get this guy a personal assistant to carry his bags through the airport next time. they pay those PA's big money to take the fall for stuff like that.

and while searching the news for a link to the limbaugh story, i saw this headline: "Axl Rose allegedly bites security guard" here's the link for this story. apparently the botox has gone to axl's head and he's bitten the leg of a security guard in sweden. a month ago he got into a brawl with fashioner designer (and little tiny guy) tommy hilfiger.

add this to the list of "celebrities gone wild" like tom cruise and star jones.

and speaking of celebrities, i have had a new poll suggested. one of my best columbus friends, lisa ann, has asked this burning question:

is jessica simpson beautiful or ugly????

let's take an opinion poll and decide once and for all! i looked for pics of her online, and found some that were beautiful and others hideous. so i won't include a pic that could sway the jury. do your own damn google image search!


  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I don't know about Jessica Simpson but that Axel Rose is a scary site..."Welcome to the Jungle"

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Here's my opinion: Jessica Simpson IS beautiful. I believe that anyone who chaims that she isn't physically attractive is just jealous.... On the other hand, she IS NOT the brightest crayon in the box. But because we are considering her physical appearacnce rather than the "whole Jessica", we must remember that personality and intelligence are not the basis of this discussion nor a part of physical attractiveness (aka "deaf beauty".. if that even makes sense).

    On the other hand and beside the point, Paris Hilton is physically and mentally unattractive.

    And after all, we all can't have beauty AND brains like me! ;o)

  3. I think that much like Pamela Anderson Jessica Simpson is a very pretty girl that has enginneered herself into some sort of sqaure jawed fembot. And she's far prettier than sister Ashlee, who looks like the irregular in the pack of underwear. That's why she's punk, see?

    And PS I get very upset with people who think women don't have the right to look like whatever they want, even if it's a porn actress. You can't be in favor of some body modifications and not others. It's hypocritical, like being Prochoice but anti-fertility treatment or Anti-abortion and Pro Death Penalty. We don't issue approval for others' freedoms while questioning their ideologies.

  4. Anonymous5:58 PM

    well put Stacy

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I think Jessica Simpson is very plain. Actresses and models have to be plain, so they can easily change their looks through hair cut or color, or make-up. That was they can keep up with fads, or re-invent themselves outwardly. Cindy Crawford is the epitome of this phenomenon.
    BTW, only a Republican could justify anti-abortion and pro death penalty. Also, only a Republican could justify Rush's actions and still think he is better than those he preaches about.

  6. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I think she's physically quite pretty. Aside from that pesky Kurt-Russellesque dent in her chin, she is small and dainty and well built with a killer physique, which by it's very existence shows that, while she may not be terribly sharp upstairs, at least she's not lazy. That being said, I think she would be doing herself well if she laid off the Umpa Lumpa spray on tan, ditched her creepy "Can't hide those double D's" dad, and read a book that doesn't have any pictures. And I think she's a royal shit head for crushing that sweet, dumb, bleary-eyed Nick Lachey and, given the chance, I'd like kick her square in the slats for it.

  7. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Jessica Simpson is actually very attractive, but a victim of the industry (neopop aimed at teens) she chose.

  8. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Ugly. She's human. All humans are ugly. And smelly.

  9. Definitely ugly.

  10. I can't groove on that square man jaw. If she had gone for another look, rather than mid-career Brittany Spears wanna-be, maybe she would be pretty. As it is I think she looks kind of hard and fake.
