June 19, 2006

damn dirty hippies...

just a quick post for now. i'll write more later when i am back to work (wednesday) and looking for a way to slack.

we left early. no shock there. we got to tennesse after dark and managed to still get the tent up, and we camped next to some swell folks. but the VIP accomedations were not so great, and by the 2nd day the heat (well over 90 degrees) combined with the over 80,000 crowd and lack of cool drinking water and no toliet paper did me in. it was during cat power's set that we realized that it just wasn't worth it to stay. we could hear the music from 2 other main stages and it drown her out. to me, if the music wasn't any good, there was no point in sticking around for the gig.

we did get to see andrew bird warm up and it was an amazing little suprise, and we caught bright eyes performing with gillian welch as a special guest.

so we left friday night and after about 2 minutes on the freeway came upon a horrible accident scene. a man attending bonnaroo had jumped the fence and ran onto the freeway and was hit and killed by ricky skagg's tour bus. it took the police about 15 minutes to arrive and actually cover the body and we were stuck there behind police lines, watching it all. you can read about it on dan's blog (groundcat link under peeps and homies.)

we were finally able to leave the scene and we got a hotel outside of nashville. i think we were both in shock. but we decided to continue on and salvage the vacation, and that we did. we took our own sweet time getting home and stopped along the way for frequent starbucks stops and stayed in some nice hotels (AC and a real bed! and internet access!!!!)

so we're home now and i have a little more time left before it's back to work. after everything that happened, i would still do it again and i have had a great time just travelling with someone i dig.

ok, time for a starbucks run and then who knows!


  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    maybe it was a typo but Tennessee has two e's on the end...Thought I'd tell you before Mag does....

  2. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Also you can tell Dan our pool is only 4 foot so you don't have to get water in your ears....I never get wet above my shoulders...Its nice to just float on a float....

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Oh wow...I just figured out you have Dan on your license plates..Whats up with that? Was it planned?

  4. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I figured that out a while ago Glittermom..... hee hee.
    I heard about that accident on the news and of course thought about you guys but to be stuck right there and see the damn thing. WOW.

  5. Anonymous5:18 PM

    IF you look at the picture you can see its a bunch of kids with the uniform of back pack and tank top...That was the problem...you didn't have a back pack...

  6. Or a turbo cooled velvet cushion.

    I kid. I'm sorry you had to see that, Dannifer.

    One of the finest things Papi Lemming ever did was when they took tour bus to Cleveland to see a Red Sox Indians game (I couldn't get off work) and there was a gruesome motorcycle accident, he did everything to keep Henry and another little boy entertained while everyone else got off the bus and looked at the dead guy.

    Just think of this as the moment River Pheonix and Wil Wheaton fell in love, but you still have to fight over who is whom.

  7. hmm. interesting. back in town. YET TOO BUSY TO TALK TO SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS I SEE. no, that's fine. I was there for you all last week as you prepared. I had crises over the weekend that i could've used some support during, but assumed you were down having fun on your little trip, oh but here you were back in town. I see how it is. New boy in the life, friends go to the wayside. That's fine. I'll be over in the corner polishing my third and fifth wheel medals ;-)

  8. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Ah poor Chris....we're all a little neglected lately...

  9. oh, poor tiny copaX....... NOT!!!!

    yes, i have been away, but wednesday i am back to reality. i miss my family (including my SBC brothers and my judgemental mom.) i miss my stinky old dogs and cats and even my coworkers a little bit.

    it's been a really wonderful vacation, so when i get back, expect me to be a slackass. more so then usual....

  10. Anonymous8:39 AM

    i'm tired of cleaning up dixie's piss & shit.. time to put that dog to sleep... Hank and I will fill out the paperwork.

  11. aw, that's so sweet zak! glad to hear you and hank are bonding over killing my dog! LOL!
