June 30, 2006

celebrity blog part deux....

i get these guys mixed up. seth green, breckin meyer and jamie kennedy. they all seem to be short, strawberry blonde jewish guys around the same age. and stacy tells me 2 of them were in a band together in high school. kind of like "the corey's"....

holy mother of pearl, there's a wikipedia page for the coreys. click HERE!!!!


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    You're a real hooker. I'm gonna slap you in public. I'm gonna shoot you with a BB gun when you're not looking. Yep, back of the head. I'm going to punch you in the ovary, straight shot - right to the babymaker.You've got a dirty whorish mouth.

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Right in the fucken ovary.. THIS AIN'T NO JOKE!

  3. With Jennifer's life of pain, I'm pretty sure she'd just laugh and say, "hey thanks for the free birth control, roomie".

    I mean, have you seen the fotos with the little string of glowing "blood lanterns" around her waist?

  4. aw, it's ok, zakky is just quoting anchorman, one of our favorite movies.

    hey zak, "If you want to throw down in fisticuffs, fine. I've got Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary waitin' for ya...right here!"

  5. you know what would've been cool? listing their names in the order that you displayed their pictures

  6. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Good point Chris....I was real confused....And what happened to Jamie Kennedy...He looks a bit disheveled and dirty....

  7. the whole point was that they are all the same to me, so why list names with pics? DUH!

    not a good point, copaX!


  8. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I think it was a good point Copax..

  9. So why would you spread your confusion to other people? why not put a stop to the ignorance and teach others the lessons you learned from your mistakes?

    or is it that you really don't know who they are? I think that's it. you're ashamed to say you don't know who's who.

  10. i feel like i am part of some after school special....

    "i don't know who's who, dad... i didn't learn it from YOU!!!!"

  11. well, let me help then. The first one is Morgan Freeman. The second one is St. Louis Cardinals First Baseman Albert Pujols. And the third one is renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.

    but yeah, you were close.

  12. Ohhh, I never got around to that movie, sorry!

    I thought you were having one of your sibling rivalries over there.

  13. sds- ctach "anchorman" sometime, i boss. it's good, dumb fun. :O)

  14. Anonymous4:41 PM

    They all be uglay. thats why they have in common
