May 2, 2006

so sayeth the roomie....

i got in very late last night. i assumed zak would be back in his lair, i mean bedroom, sound asleep and snoring away. it was after 11pm, but for some reason he was wide awake. and very excited. read why.

so now zakky will soon be able to perform weddings, funerals, and god knows what else. he bellowed at me that i am a "WHORE WHO SHALL BURN IN HELL!!!" and when i laughed so hard i had an asthma attack, he offered to perform last rites for me.

i have the best roomate EVER!!!!


  1. Yeah, a bunch of guys on the Tigers Forum did that thing a while back and then insisted for months on being addressed as "Reverend Frink", "Reverend Froot Loop", and "Reverend Grimace."

    At least it's not Rev Run!

  2. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I think everyone should have one of those in their house...

  3. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Is he looking for an altar-boy?

  4. Glittermom is so right on that. Did you know Reverend Zak can now give everyone absolution, which is sorta like a get out of church free pass?
